What games do you play?

Payday 2. Killing it right now. Other then that usually statcraft 2, or a five dollar indie game that is the flavour of the month. Gave up on console gaming a long time ago after I went through my third xbox. Might just pick up a ps3 on the cheap in a few months so I can play gta v and last of us.

Can't wait for battlefield 4. Play 3 at my buddies house all the time. That game is frigging addicting.
Big fan of the bioshock games. Infinite is pretty cool. Used to play team fortress all the time but I steer clear of most online games now as I hate having my *** handed to me by 14 year old nerds.
I still play a TF2 a couple times a week. That's really the only game I play regularly. Still fun, though I wish they pumped a new map pack in. After seven years, the handful of new maps you get each year don't really offer too much that's new.
World of Tanks ... looking forward to Watch Dogs.
just picked up CS:S again
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
Starcraft 2 WOB
Currently on Rome II total war. **** is ****ing addictive... Playing as Sparta.. Leonidas is a badass.

They're coming out with the sequel to 300
Haven't played al summer but just got GTA 5 for my Xbox. Probably the last game Ill buy before my Xbone makes its way to my front door come November 22. I plan on getting Forza 5 and Battlefeild 4 for that console.

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Forza is always on at my place. I have a Fanatec wheel and the clubsport pedels so it's a blast. When that is not on I am playing Skyrim or Fallout and the occasional round of Black ops 2.

A good zombie game that has been taking up a lot of game time is State of Decay. Crazy game and very well done!!!
who is going to pick up battlefield 4 on what system/ pc? I am thinking of going back to pc but I hear it's also 64 players on the consoles...
too bad not many play tribes ascend.
I'll get GTA5 soon, who wants to make a motorcycle gang online ?!
who is going to pick up battlefield 4 on what system/ pc? I am thinking of going back to pc but I hear it's also 64 players on the consoles...

Going to buy a digital copy for my Xbone! All I'm going to do is try and blow up big buildings online :cool:
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