What ever happened to Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer?


Sgt. Dennis Mohoney-Bruer has been charged with three counts of Breach of Trust and three counts of Obstruct Justice, a total of six charges.
Trial is scheduled for February 27th, 2012 in Superior Court 905 456-4730 ext.4878 file # is CRIM717-10 -- you can check for updates after that date. (fact)

I am not sure about his employment with the OPP but he probably is still employed so as to take advantage of the unions legal department for employees (speculation)

Sgt. Dennis Mohoney-Bruer has been charged with three counts of Breach of Trust and three counts of Obstruct Justice, a total of six charges.
Trial is scheduled for February 27th, 2012 in Superior Court 905 456-4730 ext.4878 file # is CRIM717-10 -- you can check for updates after that date. (fact)

I am not sure about his employment with the OPP but he probably is still employed so as to take advantage of the unions legal department for employees (speculation)

Thanks for the update.
I was thinking of this case the other day.. its amazing how many people think cops here are squeeky clean and somethign like this could not happen.

hmmm.. Which courthouse will this be at?
Thanks for the info. I remember this case, thanks for bringing it back to our attention!

I have a new toy I would like to try out in the courtroom =)

See ya there.

-Jamie M.

Sgt. Dennis Mohoney-Bruer has been charged with three counts of Breach of Trust and three counts of Obstruct Justice, a total of six charges.
Trial is scheduled for February 27th, 2012 in Superior Court 905 456-4730 ext.4878 file # is CRIM717-10 -- you can check for updates after that date. (fact)

I am not sure about his employment with the OPP but he probably is still employed so as to take advantage of the unions legal department for employees (speculation)

An ex-OPP friend indicated that the OPP couldn't fund a defense if the charges were criminal. Can anyone clarify? Sounds fair to me.
An ex-OPP friend indicated that the OPP couldn't fund a defense if the charges were criminal. Can anyone clarify? Sounds fair to me.

The OPP does not fund the defense regardless of criminal or non-criminal charge. The non-government Ontario Provincial Police Association, to which each cop pays dues off every paycheck, does. It will help fund criminal defence costs if there is a tangible work connection to the charge.
The OPP does not fund the defense regardless of criminal or non-criminal charge. The non-government Ontario Provincial Police Association, to which each cop pays dues off every paycheck, does. It will help fund criminal defence costs if there is a tangible work connection to the charge.

Would this particular set of circumstances qualify? His charges obviously have a work connection, but seem to go against the intent of the rule (ie. if a cop was charged while performing their lawful duties).
February 2012??? He's gonna get off on 11b for sure... Amazing!

Criminal is different from traffic court in this regard and the level of expectations (re timeliness) is not the same. Unfortunately, it isn't that unusual for criminal cases to drag on for years. It would not surprise me if that Feb 2012 date gets postponed by either party.
Would this particular set of circumstances qualify? His charges obviously have a work connection, but seem to go against the intent of the rule (ie. if a cop was charged while performing their lawful duties).
Why wouldn't it apply? He's charged with Breach of Trust, so the question of alleged wrongdoing is directly connected with his performance of his lawful duties.
Let me also point out that this case went to pretrial on Feb 17th 2011 and as you know, a pretrial is to confirm if there is enough evidence to go to trial -- hence a trial date of Feb 27th 2012

He is known on facebook as Dennis Bruer and remember his bar in Hamilton is www.stonewallshamilton.com. Doesn't it seem strange that he would spent over $700,000.00 on a business when he may be facing jail time? He brought his sister in from Calgary to help him run the business. I would hope that the OPP would investigate where this money came from plus, is he trying to hide something by purchasing this business?

I was also informed the he may have been the go-between for a number of officiers and the towing companies therefore, he may be the fall guy in a bigger picture. Maybe other officers paid him money to take the fall? (all speculation of course) but why not? They haven't exactly come clean yet have they? Time will tell.
He is likely on administrative suspension, with pay. My research showed that he owned a restaurant in Toronto, but that information is no longer available. If he sold the restaurant in Toronto then he could quite well afford to buy another in a less expensive city, like Hamilton. He also wouldn't exactly be buying it out-of-pocket; he would take a loan from a bank.

While an investigation MIGHT be in order, it is likely part of the investigation regarding the current charges.
Would getting the sister involved and transferring ownership keep assets safe in case of forfeiture due to being proceeds or crime or against civil lawsuits that might be coming down the pipe?
If the courts can see that he is dumping his asssets to avoid losing them they can make an order to recover those assets and be used against any judgement. The burder of proving that would be on the lawyers.

Rob: As I understand itn he is suspended with pay while an investigation goes on. I suppose the investigation has now ended and he is charged does that mean he is suspended without pay until the trial is over or still on pay? A trial like this could take years... he can delay and delay quite easily and he gets paid for it... while the people affected are waiting to pursue this in civil court against him to recover damages caused by him (import fees, suspension fees etc...)

What happens to the pay he received while being suspended if he's found guilty? Doesn't seem fair that he should get a free ride for years while this is held up in the court system.
He hasn't yet been convicted of anything, so there are no grounds for dismissal. The money that he 'earns', while on suspension, remains his.
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