What ever happened to Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer?

I wish there was an easy way to get updates or results on a trial. we can subscribe and follow threads on twitter, bbses, face book, etc... with everything beeing electronically documented and transcribed we should have access to this sort of information far easier.

In some case the charged could argue trial tainted by media.
I checked both. I even checked the Family Court board, in case it was mis-posted.

If the venue is being changed for closing arguments that hints heavily at a trial by judge, rather than trial by jury. That's typical in a case in which a pointy-headed point of law is to be argued.

Can't think of any cop that did a trial by jury.
If it has been resolved and there was no mention of anything in the media I'm going to be real shocked. That dirt ball probably got nothing other than suspension with pay. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing you were being sarcastic when you say you would be shocked? I'd be shocked if there was any real media coverage of the outcome. Classic case of out of sight out of mind.


That's bizarre. I checked the board on the 23rd and there was no mention of the case, whatsoever. Well I sicked CMG and The Star on it, so let's see what happens.

Yes let's see. Lest we forget he's a popular guy, and already turned his kickbacks into a successful bistro pub for his retirement package. Not to mention the YEARS he has been suspended without pay.

BTW -- I'd recommend NOT patronizing Stonewall's in Hamilton.

Can't think of any cop that did a trial by jury.

Oh there have been a few that were so knee deep into their own bubble world of doublethink they thought they would walk (a judge will never let a bad cop walk, but he'll NEVER give a bad cop what they deserve either. It's a risk:reward gamble. The dumber, and longer, they've been on whatever force they serve the more likely they go for a jury).

Probably the most memorable was a TPS 20yr traffic cop veteran that ripped open his shirt in court to show his heart surgery scar. He stuffed his ex-girlfriend in a trashcan after he strangled her with a jump rope and buried her in his basement wall. Her family knew he killed her after she disappeared, and he was a true, suck every overtime dollar he could from the system, oh I am your worst nightmare, traffic cop...but he would have gotten away with it. Only he sold the house, and during the reno a trashcan with a corpse popped out of the wall.

A (retired) homicide detective once confided to me, he loved cops as suspects. Because they were the easiest to shake once their ******** wasn't going to fly.
Does anyone have any fresh updates on this case? Was a decision rendered in November or was the case put over for decision?
I emailed Christie Blatchford at The National Post. She's a bulldog with this stuff. Hopefully it will pique her interests.
I sent Mr. Tabuns a email this morning regarding this, he actually read John's book that I dropped off for him and got back to me, so many moons ago!

With a election around the corner, I don't expect another quick answer from Ange L Howe the media officer for the OPP that I received on more then one occasion...
With all this going on… it's very disturbing.

when will HTA 172 be abolished?? some tell me it's in Supreme court for unconstitutional law. others say it's not happening.

especially when police officer's like this guy were part of promoting it.

I know that police get tips and $ ("FINDER"S FEE") from towing companies for handing out tickets (i.e. HTA 172).

it's SICK! i have no faith in the system or the power hungry disrupt individuals there to represent and uphold the law which they themselves don't' follow and see themselves as above it.
With all this going on… it's very disturbing.

when will HTA 172 be abolished?? some tell me it's in Supreme court for unconstitutional law. others say it's not happening.

especially when police officer's like this guy were part of promoting it.

I know that police get tips and $ ("FINDER"S FEE") from towing companies for handing out tickets (i.e. HTA 172).

it's SICK! i have no faith in the system or the power hungry disrupt individuals there to represent and uphold the law which they themselves don't' follow and see themselves as above it.

If you have first-hand information on the sort of thing that you mention then pass it on to the appropriate oversight, even if you feel that you must do so anonymously. If you have this information but are not acting upon it, then you are giving tacit approval to the behaviour.

If however you 'know' this because you 'have a feeling', or because your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate told you something, then you actually 'know' nothing.
who? i would, but it's police overseeing the police.

and it's clear, police don't ticket police. ie. the case where a rookie officer pulled over another officer (off duty) for drunk driving and he was pushed out of the force because his fellow officers ridiculed him for ticketing a fellow officer.

the fact that cops speed (in their off duty vehicles "home vehicles"), and just show a badge. "the courtesy".

frankly i've considered running for office (mayor etc… just to change things) but it's all very depressing and corrupt.
who? i would, but it's police overseeing the police.

and it's clear, police don't ticket police. ie. the case where a rookie officer pulled over another officer (off duty) for drunk driving and he was pushed out of the force because his fellow officers ridiculed him for ticketing a fellow officer.

the fact that cops speed (in their off duty vehicles "home vehicles"), and just show a badge. "the courtesy".

frankly i've considered running for office (mayor etc… just to change things) but it's all very depressing and corrupt.

who? i would, but it's police overseeing the police.

and it's clear, police don't ticket police. ie. the case where a rookie officer pulled over another officer (off duty) for drunk driving and he was pushed out of the force because his fellow officers ridiculed him for ticketing a fellow officer.

the fact that cops speed (in their off duty vehicles "home vehicles"), and just show a badge. "the courtesy".

frankly i've considered running for office (mayor etc… just to change things) but it's all very depressing and corrupt.


The SIU would be interested.

I was thinking about police curruption and this case came to mind. So... No news ?
Nope. Sorry. This is likely going to take a Freedom of Information request, which I've never done before.

The OPP Professional Standard Bureau said that to their knowledge the criminal investigation is ongoing, not resolved, in a courthouse west of Toronto. They did not have any more details about the criminal case and could not speak about the OPP’s own internal discipline case.


This is all they know, not much access to info because of the election, no MPP
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