What did you do in your garage today..?

I’ve got 2 of those in my garage that I turn on as needed, and there’s another member here who also has 2 in their garage and just leaves them on low all winter. They work really well.
Assuming I had to use electric, if I was going to leave something on all the time, for lots of reasons it would be oil-filled radiator style. For instant heat, you can't beat radiant. If you want to rapidly change the air temp, you need a fan and coils.
Sarcasm noted and accounted for….I’m trying to remove the hose but can’t seem to get a good grip on it.
Oops didn't mean to come across as sarcastic. I truly meant that and was thinking you might need to remove more bits to clear room around it or such. Glad to see your in. What next? Are there some shims and buckets burried in there? Doesn't look like anything I've been up against.
Are the lobes running on a roller between the fork?
Tuning skis (again). Made it out 20 times so far this year. Skiing with monsters is murder on the skis with all the sliding. They hold up better when I get to ski by myself. Monsters are improving quickly. Little one has been out 17 times and is often the one pushing to go. No fear and can turn when then want but given the choice prefer to head straight down the hill. Monster skis needed wax and resharpening too.
Oops didn't mean to come across as sarcastic. I truly meant that and was thinking you might need to remove more bits to clear room around it or such. Glad to see your in. What next? Are there some shims and buckets burried in there? Doesn't look like anything I've been up against.
Are the lobes running on a roller between the fork?
No problem, just mucking around.

Got to the shims but the numbers don't match what they should be (unless both my micrometer and my feeler gauges are off (possible)) so now deciding on how to proceed.

No problem, just mucking around.

Got to the shims but the numbers don't match what they should be (unless both my micrometer and my feeler gauges are off (possible)) so now deciding on how to proceed.

How far off is the micrometer? Anvil faces parallel to shim? Do you have a gauge block to check the micrometer with? If not, measure your fattest feeler gauge. If your feeler gauges are off, this whole program can be a disaster.
How far off is the micrometer? Anvil faces parallel to shim? Do you have a gauge block to check the micrometer with? If not, measure your fattest feeler gauge. If your feeler gauges are off, this whole program can be a disaster.
When I checked the .005" feeler...the number on the micrometer showed .0045 - .0040 but I also pressed hard on it to get there.

I'll play around with it today before I start pulling shims.
When I checked the .005" feeler...the number on the micrometer showed .0045 - .0040 but I also pressed hard on it to get there.

I'll play around with it today before I start pulling shims.
Does your micrometer have the clicking end to give you a standard pressure? Does it read zero when closed? Try your thickest feeler gauge and see how it compares.
Does your micrometer have the clicking end to give you a standard pressure? Does it read zero when closed? Try your thickest feeler gauge and see how it compares.
I can reset it at zero. But it's an old/simple/electric unit...so may not be the most accurate. Not sure.

Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic

Something like this...without the AOS

I can reset it at zero. But it's an old/simple/electric unit...so may not be the most accurate. Not sure.

Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic

Something like this...without the AOS

That's not a micrometer. That's calipers. This is a micrometer. Using calipers to measure down to .001 is optimistic.

Guess I know what I need to buy next.....ugh. LoL.

I'll see if I can pick one up tonight somewhere.
Guess I know what I need to buy next.....ugh. LoL.

I'll see if I can pick one up tonight somewhere.
I wouldn't rush off to spend money. I too only have calipers (but I refer to them as verniers). If you don't "push hard" you likely come pretty close to the .005" which it should be. Half a thou (.0005) isn't going to make a huge difference, we're talking motorbikes not space shuttles.
Again go with GG's suggestion and measure some of the feeler gages, gently and see how you fare. I would be really surprised if your feelers were off. Actually Mitutoyo is a good name, I'd be surprised if it's off too.
My buddy and I finally tackled a valve inspection today.

Got the Husky denuded. Access to the valves is not that difficult, just take the tank off and the valve cover. Plus some various hoses and electrical connectors.


Spin the rear wheel to Top Dead Centre.


Measurements for exhaust valve clearances were in spec. Intake valve clearances were just slightly out of spec - 0.01mm too tight.

Not too bad for >90 hours. Manual states every 30 hours, but who's got time for that?


Shims. Rock On!

Was quite stressful getting the old shims out and the new ones in. Felt like playing a game of Operation!, was scared of dropping a shim into the engine. That would have sucked large.

Still gotta do my bike, ran out of time. Noticed spark plugs need changing, but all the moto stores are closed and Crappy Tire, Lordco don't carry the ones I need. Gotta do some shopping and then Part II later on this week.
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