What could it be?

I have had a possum in my back yard for a few years now. Last time I saw it was a just before the first snow. Brampton
My vote is also for skunk. Got a pair that like to tunnel under one of my garages. I had to drive some rebar down along the one side of the garage to keep them from returning.

Easy enough to get them to leave for a few days. Just soak a rag in some Pine-Sol and toss it into the hole. Spread some around the opening of the hole and they will take off for a few days, until the scent clears. Skunks seem to hate Pine-Sol or Irish Spring.
I was shocked when I found an opossum wintering under the deck. Thought they were southern critters.....not any more.
Opossum | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Don't tangle with it....vicious beasties.
We have the occasional opossum here in Oakville , @jampy , what do the poops look like ? Coyote is very dark almost black and often contain hair. Racoon is dog like but short and usually a lot in a pile .

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Well I see them long after they happen, but messy piles not formed. What ever it is, it needs more fiber...
More skunks than raccoons around my place with a bunch of porcupines around often as well. My guess is skunk or porcupine (I don't know what either eat but that's what we have and their big poops are on the lawn almost daily as well).
Funny, I figured a skunk burrow would smell like skunk and be a dead give away
Handful of mothballs down the burrow lasts a long time and seems to help , but if you have a few acres and multiple buildings they can just relocate . Trap and relocate. Bottom of your pond for a hour or so is an excellent place to relocate them.

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Handful of mothballs down the burrow lasts a long time and seems to help , but if you have a few acres and multiple buildings they can just relocate . Trap and relocate. Bottom of your pond for a hour or so is an excellent place to relocate them.

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Real mothballs (napthalene) or the new crap they sell as mothballs?
I wanna go with a fox. Don't like skunks very much. Sprayed my dogs more than once. Ground zero is nothing like the roaming scent of skunk in the air, which is almost floral by comparison.

Good luck @Jampy00 with whatever it is.
We have a raccoon that leaves a pile behind the shed and something else leaves doggy like poo on the back lawn.
We have coyotes, skunks, raccoons, cats, possums, an occasional rat, squirrels, dogs, rabbits. At the moment I'm blaming a PETA member.
I go out that way everyday to grab firewood.
I have not seen anymore poop or foot prints. It is either going in a different direction, or went for a winter snooze... I'll poke around this weekend.
Any holes dug in your yard? Skunk won’t stick around if there’s no food and if there’s food (bugs/grubs) you’ll see holes dug. Skunks claw out small holes to get the bug, raccoons claw back a flap of grass in comparison. That’s a good way to know which you’ve got.
Ground frozen now so with that the food source is blocked so you won’t see them around.

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