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Holy F***... I'm dying here. Lol
My mom used to crank this throughout the house when I was kid... We're talking circa the mid 70's.

Happy memories... 'Wish she was still here to hear this.

You will love this then.
Thread hijack --
Did I hear correctly?
The Toronto Wu-Tang concert is free?

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I can't help but smile though this whole video...

[video=youtube;V3kE0rvAJhM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3kE0rvAJhM&start_radio=1&list=RDV3kE0rvAJ hM[/video]
Another new song here and from another Canadian Band. Mother Mother - Get up. I've posted about them before. This song is ~2 weeks old and currently has ~50k views. They went a little less electronic imo in this song, and a little more indie rock.
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Again, my kid is of a fan of this and got me to listen to it. I like it. It's a shame about XXX. Wish I knew of him before his death.

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LCD Soundsystem - Drunk Girls. Art punk style and with Spike Jonze.

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