What Are You Currently Listening To?

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In this thread I'm continuing my theme of music from this actual century...

If you haven't heard of these guys you aren't listening to the right radio music stations (for current hot music).

One of the hottest new bands on the planet. >700M views.

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@kwtoxman meh, my name's blurry face and I care what you think.
They just won their first AMA. I really like that track.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
@Joe Bass, consider that a 21P intro. Maybe this 21P song is more to your liking. >400M hits in much shorter order. Great song imo (little redundant).

Both may not be your thing, still I've got a few links here earlier that if you like current music may do better. Cheers.
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@Joe Bass, consider that a 21P intro. Maybe this 21P song is more to your liking. >400M hits in much shorter order. Great song imo (little redundant).

Both may not be your thing, still I've got a few links here earlier that if you like current music may do better. Cheers.
Sorry my humour is a little off today. I really do like the Stessed Out song. I think it's got a great message. I know that I can relate.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
And this.


Sounds so much like Peter Gabriel to me.
Saw Peter time before last when he was here. Great show.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
These guys sound kinda like a mixture of Mr.Bungle and Slayer....System of a Down fans will probably like it...Serj did a guest vocal on one of their songs too.
Electro-punk craziness...Love this album...some classic song titles - "I hate Jimmy Page", "***** are for my Friends" and "Faggot"- to name a few...hahah
Awesome band. Beatles influences, but you never know where their songs are going to end up.
[video=youtube;dRXvG-Pv_EM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_667196151&feature=i v&index=12&list=PLrKRJkNLX9Zkz6HQG3-wnFxRxLdHIYSo1&src_vid=iJCsmO7-12g&v=dRXvG-Pv_EM[/video]
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