What Are You Currently Listening To?

I can't believe I'm saying this I've been listening to this song while lifting.....yet, it's technically dubstep:


I guess I'm officially a *********

Works for me....weird:

Swedish House Mafia vs Knife Party - Antidote
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Glad some of you guys are still keeping this thread alive. The other day i bought a vinyl player (audio technica lp) and i listened to tesseracts altered state album twice over.
Sonic Boom is probably the biggest one. Used to be in the Honest Ed's building but they recently moved and I haven't been to the new location yet nor do I know where it is.

There is one shop around University and Queen that's currently the closest to my work. A lot of other shops are around that area if you just start there and walk west on Queen.
Even if you guys don't like Metal (this isn't one of their heavier songs, you can appreciate the technique and skill involved in this band:
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Since we have some djent people here.........was anyone at the Animals As Leaders show last night? HOLY CRAP! Tosin Abasi is not human!
Who did they play with? please tell me he didnt play the second album that thing sucks.

Yeah hes unbelievable. A huge inspiration.
Yeah, second album sucks balls, other two are goat......I think they played like maybe 2 tracks from second album and that's it....couldn't tell you which songs cause I probably listened to that album like 3-4 times total vs like a hundred times each for album 1 & 3 so anything I didn't immediately recognize I assumed was from 2nd album. Plus, they played pretty much all my favorites:

Kascade, CAFO, The Woven Web, Tempting Time, etc.

Oh and they played with Devin Townsend...........who was OK. Devin is a little too all over the map for me. He occasionally hits the jackpot with something like the previously mentioned Casualties of Cool but a lot of the times I don't like his stuff.
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680 news and traffic all in the 01's
I've been listening to a lot of this lately:

Just finished listening to Pink Floyds Endless River, it was good but i take issue with them labelling it as an album when realistically it was just a collection of outtakes.

I dont want to discredit the piece because its got some great instrumentals, but the way theu went about marketing this piece is kinda upsetting.

But man can i see why some of that music was written. I can only picture the things i would be able to accomplish at Astoria, if i were to spend a week at Astoria I would most likely be writing similar stuff.

For those who dont know this is where Pink Floyd recorded some of their albums, its an ambient musicians dream palace

This one from three films that I can find:

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