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amazing that Will has still got it. This gen really only knows him for his acting, but he was actually the first rapper to win a Grammy.

Big Willy hits hard in the remix.

"Summertime" is still one of my favourite jams.

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Any other Sirius/XM subscribers here?

I subscribe through both vehicles and get/use the free internet access at home and on phones/tablets, etc. I recently needed to listen to some comedy and realized I hadn't reloaded the webplayer on the laptop since its HD crashed a few months back. In setting up the app I went through all the channels fresh again to select favorites. There's probably 300+ stations now... with all sorts of content. And so much music.

I found another new and potential big source of new indie rock, Xtra Channel - Alt Nation Discovery - New Emerging Alternative Music. Sounds potentially excellent; need to investigate more. So far, pretty good. Here's a good indie rock song from there. Nearing 1.5 months old on YT with ~130K views...

Larkins - Are We Having Any Fun Yet?
Jazz prodigy Joey Alexander, who first grabbed the jazz world's attention at 12 (now 17), shows phenomenal maturity and artistry in his latest album, Warna.
Believe it or not...

Its not the type of stuff I normally listen to but caught a some songs in the car a few weeks ago. I normally listen to Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, etc. but there is just something about his voice with those Nelson Riddle arrangements in the background.
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