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Another new to me old song and more Mother Mother. I don't know how I missed this great Candian indie rock band. I really like this song, a great beat and I hear a bit of Talking Heads / David Byrnes influence (ymmv). Over 7 years old and near 1.3M YT views.

Mother Mother - Bit By Bit
Didn't realize that *song was that old.
Would like to see them live.

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Another good new indie rock song. Over three months old on YT with ~390K views.

Peach Pit - Shampoo Bottles
Another one with regular rotation on Indie 88
I don't always go deep into lyrics, but I like these.

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Heard this on Indie 88 as well.
a la @kwtoxman :
10 months old with <6k views

Peanut Butter by Ice Cream

I'm getting a strong, early Prince vibe on this one.
One of the comments agrees.

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Another good new indie rock song. Almost one year old with near 1.9M views.

White Reaper - Might Be Right
I sing this one all the time...never found out who it was lol

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Thx @Joe Bass! Interesting band and cool local (TO). Thx for sharing. They sound retro 80's to me (I also hear the early Prince vibe). Even the video looks retro in many ways... e.g, using something like a 4X3 aspect ratio.

I take back calling this indie rock song below "good", lol. It's excellent ;) (imo). From a new Canadian supergroup as noted by @Joe Bass. Have a listen... amazing groove and vibe to me. And very melodic. Great lyrics and video... it has the full package ?.

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In deference a recent GTAM post in another thread worshiping Westworld S3 (HBO TV), here's this song again :). IMO it's an excellent new indie rock song (by a well known alt artist around for decades) and the video includes two of the main actresses from that show
. I was a little surprised it didn't generate any talk.

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Crazy how some people can still be high out of their mind and still create good music:

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