For many years, dealer plates in Ontario were orange with black letters and numbers.
They are now white with red numbers and letters.
True for cars, but for motorcycles, dealer plates are blue background with white numbers.
For many years, dealer plates in Ontario were orange with black letters and numbers.
They are now white with red numbers and letters.
I have seen those as well now that you mention it. Newer issue maybe?The reason I asked is that I have seen Ont. motorcycle dealer plates that were miniatures of the car dealer plates.
White background. The "Ont" in black.
The letters and numbers in red.
For many years, dealer plates in Ontario were orange with black letters and numbers.
They are now white with red numbers and letters.
The red plates with white numbers and letters are diplomatic plates.
They are issued to embassy and consular staff who have diplomatic immunity.
Just a slight correction, Diplomatic plates, (Red, with white letters), are issued to ANY diplomatic staff who apply for them, doesn't require Diplomatic Immunity, to obtain one. At one time as a police officer, you were given the list of letters, (first letter of the plate), which were issued to diplomats of communist nations. You then called a special number to the RCMP to report the location where the plate was