What a Vasectomy is Really Like - Best of Craigslist

Mine was done in a hospital. I told them I didn't want to see it or feel it so they sedated me. Woke up later high as a kite babbling to the nurses about some video game I was currently playing. Other than some mild discomfort it was no great shakes. I joked to the guys at work who were contemplating it that I think the Dr. used a rusty hacksaw blade.

Now my workmate on the other hand, he had a horrible time. Was off six weeks from work with an infection and for almost a year and a half after the procedure he experienced really bad shooting pains from his testicles to his abdomen. Had CT and eventually MRI and they couldn't find anything. It eventually subsided but it was a bad experience.
Yep, sounds familiar, pain of the needles was bad but, the nausea was far worse. Worse than that (and not even mentioned) was the swelling, I felt like I had a very sensitive nausea ball (about the size of a softball) between my legs for 3 days and that my kids couldn't resist jumping into my lap. Couldn't find a jock big enough. I still get the occasional sharp pain where the incision was and what's worse are the painful and nausea triggering lumps when you get busy more frequently....
I think it would be worse for a dude to pass one. Urethra's are longer, and it has to get past the prostate which I'm sure makes it worse.

I hope I never ever have to go through it.
have you ever passed a stone? is it not painful for a women to pass one ?

No - see my earlier post where I said I've never experienced this.

I think it would be worse for a dude to pass one. Urethra's are longer, and it has to get past the prostate which I'm sure makes it worse.

I hope I never ever have to go through it.

Yup. I would guess still painful for females but not as painful.
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