West Side Riders (Etobicoke) (Easy Pace)

Traffic will be hectic around that time especially on Gardiner because of the Pan Am games start this weekend i believe

You know what? Your right.

NEW PLAN. We are going along lakeshore to beach blvd. We can stop at a banagans for grub if you want. The view is pretty good as well.

ROUTE: https://www.google.ca/maps/dir/Isli...7eff!2m2!1d-79.784798!2d43.280789!2m1!1b1!3e0

We are going to meet at Islington and The Queensway for 6pm July 11. There is a cineplex and a scotiabank. Meet in front of the Scotiabank. We will be leaving at 6:30pm with or without you.
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Thank you to the riders who rode along side to Hamilton along Lakeshore RD. It was a good time. I am going to plan a route to Hokley. If anyone is interested let know or if anyone has suggestions for routes that have some twisties let me know :)
Hey everyone! I'm BACK. With a new ride. Not in the west side anymore, (North York) but willing to ride out since I know the area and my folks live there. 647 546 3755 if you are from Etobicoke or North York let me know, I'd be happy to ride or meet up. Usually work evenings but have Sunday Monday free. Cheers :)
I was going to say that myself lol, just an amazing ride. Too far for me today but maybe on a day off :D
Ya im not near it i live in etobicoke but willing to do a run in a day off also. What days are better for everyone lets try a Hockley run
Hey guys. I am still waiting to hear back from some one who might want to lead. I was hoping to go sunday morning. Meet up for 8:30am and leave around 9am. I just don;t know the route and roads. It would be my first time going there.
Going up that way today at 7:30 leaving lakeshore and Islington. Will check phone so if anyone is up and wants to come along will meet up on the way.
I'm down for a ride tonight. Where is everyone meeting and what time. I am free to meet between 7:30pm-8pm. Any or not destination works for me.
Are you guys interested in a ride to Niagara Falls all back roads I can lead

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