Well.... That was close...

Traffic slowing down in the middle and you're still moving quickly on the right. That's going to happen EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Stay safe!

Agreed, first thing i noticed when watching the video was the big difference in speed between the right lane and the middle.

At the end of the day, it's all about reducing the risk.
I find that interesting. Last year when I was hit by a driver who was in the left lane and made a right turn into me, while trying to turn onto a street where turning was not permitted, no one wanted to see the video. I mentioned it to police on the phone at the time of the collision, police at the collision reporting centre, and my insurer. No one.
Post it on social media
People have this idea that as long as they are going at the speed limit somehow the forces of gravity don't apply to them. Glad it worked out for you but OP but Dresden is right, teh speed difference between the left lane and the lane you were riding on is way to high to be safe, you are basically leaving your safety in the hands of others counting that they do not do anything stupid.

I have done some dumb stuff like that and even worse, the difference is that I realized it was wrong, you in the other hand are defending it.

Lesson learned
its a good thing you weren't driving a Nissan Centra.........
Flame suit on!


Right turn by car from middle lane = fail.

Excessive speed differential by bike compared to prevailing traffic flow = fail.

Fail all around in this one.
+Plau glad your still with us. Crazy nearly the same thing happened to me yesterday. Lady decide's shes going to turn right from the left turning lane (had her left indicator on too)

She doesn't even acknowledge she almost ran me over (too busy screaming at her kids) *sigh*
People have this idea that as long as they are going at the speed limit somehow the forces of gravity don't apply to them. Glad it worked out for you but OP but Dresden is right, teh speed difference between the left lane and the lane you were riding on is way to high to be safe, you are basically leaving your safety in the hands of others counting that they do not do anything stupid.

Don't we all leave our safety in the hands of others on the road - to an extent? As road users, we *hope* some idiot isn't tailgating us while texting, we also hope that people will stop for red lights and stop signs rather than plowing right through.

For a person to come from the left most lane with no indicators practically stopping traffic putting themselves perpendicular to traffic on a "highway" turning into an area which is disallowed while all lanes are live.. Something you wouldn't expect (expect the unexpected I suppose).

I acknowledge that lower speeds would decrease my stopping distance, I'm not defending that its not safer to do so - but I'm sure I'd get grilled on GTAM for doing 5km/h faster than the traffic around me and having a situation arise.

I'm sure many people here would shut their mouths about how stupid other people's riding habits are if they posted a straight 10 min clip of their daily riding habits for others to dissect. Day-to-day rides are relatively uneventful in the past few years, but I guess **** can happen at any time.
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Don't we all leave our safety in the hands of others on the road - to an extent? As road users, we *hope* some idiot isn't tailgating us while texting, we also hope that people will stop for red lights and stop signs rather than plowing right through.

For a person to come from the left most lane with no indicators practically stopping traffic putting themselves perpendicular to traffic on a "highway" turning into an area which is disallowed while all lanes are live.. Something you wouldn't expect (expect the unexpected I suppose).

I acknowledge that lower speeds would decrease my stopping distance, I'm not defending that its not safer to do so - but I'm sure I'd get grilled on GTAM for doing 5km/h faster than the traffic around me and having a situation arise.

I'm sure many people here would shut their mouths about how stupid other people's riding habits are if they posted a straight 10 min clip of their daily riding habits for others to dissect. Day-to-day rides are relatively uneventful in the past few years, but I guess **** can happen at any time.

I concur, **** happens and everybody is an excellent driver. I wanted to VLOG, but then I realized I'm probably incredibly boring and GTAM would come after me with pitchforks :P
U seemed awfully restraint. I wouldn't be able to help cursing for a few minutes lol.

I was more worried about the fact that I could have died or been seriously injured rather than raging at how stupid of a decision it was to make that turn. I also learned that no good usually comes out of chasing someone down and bitching them out - especially if you look like the aggressor from the general public's point of view. On a side note, I did get a clear plate number in the original video (not youtube).
On the other hand, I was swearing for a few minutes when a guy almost t-boned me running a solid red light about 15 mins after this happened. I put my bike away shortly after.

On a side note, I don't care what people say about how bad it is to have abs, how useless it is, and how you'll never get used to emergency braking because you'll always rely on it, I felt it go off for a split second and would like to believe it saved my *** for the 2-3ft I might have skid. For street riding, I feel that it is a necessary feature for street riding to have just in case. The only other time I had my abs go off was a year ago when I purposely tried to lock my rear to see if I could see what it feels like to have it go off.
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I find that interesting. Last year when I was hit by a driver who was in the left lane and made a right turn into me, while trying to turn onto a street where turning was not permitted, no one wanted to see the video. I mentioned it to police on the phone at the time of the collision, police at the collision reporting centre, and my insurer. No one.

I've had mixed experience with GTA police. Peel Police have never sent me any feedback whatsoever on my Roadwatch complaints. I sent a letter to Steven Murphy who's the Road Watch Coordinator with PRP and he assured me that every complaint is reviewed and appropriate action is taken.

The one time PRP actually phoned me was when I blasted my local councillors over piss-poor stop sign enforcement near a school in my area. Cars don't even bother braking, almost took out two kids on bicycles. Sent the dashcam video, and within a few days I got calls from the councillors and PRP they set up enforcement. They hung around for a few weeks, things appear to be better.

York Region always sends me feedback, but only advising me the other driver was sent a RoadWatch letter.


Screenshots of my recent communication with Toronto Police. I used their online traffic complaint (Roadwatch) form: https://webapp1.torontopolice.on.ca/dors/hit-run.html

They got back to me within 24hrs via e-mail.



I was more worried about the fact that I could have died or been seriously injured rather than raging at how stupid of a decision it was to make that turn. I also learned that no good usually comes out of chasing someone down and bitching them out - especially if you look like the aggressor from the general public's point of view. On a side note, I did get a clear plate number in the original video (not youtube).
On the other hand, I was swearing for a few minutes when a guy almost t-boned me running a solid red light about 15 mins after this happened. I put my bike away shortly after.
Agreed, just makes me mad to see such careless people putting others at risk. Can't believe how most of them get a license. And damn that was just not your day then, GTA riding gets ridiculous sometimes.

Built not Bought
Good to see you're okay.

How hard did you hit the brakes? ABS kick in?

To be honest, I don't know how to answer your question. How would you describe how hard you hit the brakes in an emergency situation? I'd say hard enough or just a bit too much since the abs was able to kick in a bit :P
I definitely did not grab a fist full to brake as hard as I can though.
PLau, glad you were able to react effectively. Traffic frequently moves 90+ on that stretch and you managed to stop the bike, kudos.

I want to point out a few things that others have touched on. Firstly if the lane of traffic I am driving in is moving faster than any other lanes I ALWAYS assume that another driver will notice and want to cut in! This keeps my guard up a little more than normal. Secondly, this experience is a great example of why everyone should practice emergency braking before hitting the roads this season! Especially if you have ABS you should make sure you know how it works and when it works and what it feels like to ride through it. I do, every year in fact and it has saved my @ss a few times.

I think you made the right move by letting it go at the time. Nothing good can come from interacting with someone so careless, especially when you approach the situation looking for a violent or aggressive resolution. I used to stop and flag people down and try to explain what they did and how it could have ended up differently had I not reacted in time. I would think that if somehow our talk could help save a life in the future then it would be worth my time. This was my old way of thinking but lately I don't bother much. Most drivers don't understand the danger because they are not riders. Most people don't really care about others - until it is far too late.

This reminds me of one occasion when it was raining and a car on Steeles Ave just couldn't wait to make a left turn into a plaza. He turned left in front of me (as I left a larger gap between the car in front of me due to the rain) and he tried to time the gap between me and the car in front of me. I had to brake hard to narrowly avoid a collision but not too much as to lockup the wheel and dump the bike. I managed fine. Just the other day a lady cut me off without signaling and there was a police car 20 meters ahead of us. I pulled up beside her at a red light and motioned for her to put her window down. My intentions were simply to let her know that she changed lanes without even looking beside her and I had to slam on my brakes not to get side swiped. I just wanted to remind her to turn her head and look next time. She didn't roll her window down. She simple shrugged and mouthed "sorry" to me.

I noticed you stalled... hehe ;)
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PLau, glad you were able to react effectively. Traffic frequently moves 90+ on that stretch and you managed to stop the bike, kudos.

I want to point out a few things that others have touched on. Firstly if the lane of traffic I am driving in is moving faster than any other lanes I ALWAYS assume that another driver will notice and want to cut in! This keeps my guard up a little more than normal. Secondly, this experience is a great example of why everyone should practice emergency braking before hitting the roads this season! Especially if you have ABS you should make sure you know how it works and when it works and what it feels like to ride through it. I do, every year in fact and it has saved my @ss a few times.

I think you made the right move by letting it go at the time. Nothing good can come from interacting with someone so careless, especially when you approach the situation looking for a violent or aggressive resolution. I used to stop and flag people down and try to explain what they did and how it could have ended up differently had I not reacted in time. I would think that if somehow our talk could help save a life in the future then it would be worth my time. This was my old way of thinking but lately I don't bother much. Most drivers don't understand the danger because they are not riders. Most people don't really care about others - until it is far too late.

This reminds me of one occasion when it was raining and a car on Steeles Ave just couldn't wait to make a left turn into a plaza. He turned left in front of me (as I left a larger gap between the car in front of me due to the rain) and he tried to time the gap between me and the car in front of me. I I had to brake hard to narrowly avoid a collision but not too much as to lockup the wheel and dump the bike. I managed fine. Just the other day a lady cut me off without signaling and there was a police car 20 meters ahead of us. I pulled up beside her at a red light and motioned for her to put her window down. My intentions were simply to let her know that she changed lanes without even looking beside her and I had to slam on my brakes not to get side swiped. I just wanted to remind her to turn her head and look next time. She didn't roll her window down. She simple shrugged and mouthed "sorry" to me.

ABS probably did not kick in. I didn't notice abs vibration or sounds. I did however, notice the stall.

Thanks for the input.

In my case, the ABS kicked in ever so slightly. I felt maybe 3 or 4 pulses when I was emergency braking. The reason why I tried testing out the abs on the rear and not the front in the past is cause nothing good really comes from grabbing the front too hard.

I guess in the video you can't really see what my hands are doing, but I was definitely on guard for a lane changer - just not someone making a right turn across 3 lanes in front of me.

When I initially saw the van emerge, I thought the van was just making a crappy lane change in front of the RAV4, until about .25 secs later when I saw the tire crossing into my lane carrying no speed in the same direction of travel.

If I have 2 seconds to react to stop and not crash, not stalling isn't really on my to-do list at the time :P
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OP glad to see you avoided the collision. The fact that you didn't have to "react" helped, IMO. If you had to add on some reaction time, weight transfer until full braking power, etc. you could have easily entered the van from the side door.
OP glad to see you avoided the collision. The fact that you didn't have to "react" helped, IMO. If you had to add on some reaction time, weight transfer until full braking power, etc. you could have easily entered the van from the side door.

I would agree. If my fingers weren't covering the brake, I definitely would have collided with the van with that ~1.5ft left I had in front of me. Practicing and regularly using the rear probably helped a bunch as well. I didn't feel the rear abs go off - is that a good thing? lol
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