Well, that didn't take long!

Today I’ve seen:

- bike ripping between cars at at least 2x the surrounding speed
- bike passing on the left shoulder at about 50kph compared to cars at 20 (401 WB)
- sport bike with no plates on the 407 passing me as if though I’m standing still

The fun is just starting.
Not even spring and someone was caught going over 170km/h, weaving, no insurance, no license. 🤦‍♂️

and there's already a rider down this evening.
Lane splitting, riding on the shoulder, no helmets, 3 up. Saw all that this afternoon here.
Even up north here in certain Facebook groups riders are just "itching" to get their bikes out - mostly younger riders mind you. Still, I imagine they are doing all of the above. Personally, **** that....wait for a big rainstorm to get all the salt / dirt and garbage off the road before I get the wheels on the road. Now Im usually waiting till the start of June before I take the cover off, ride for comfort and wait till it's at least in the 20 degree area.
Even up north here in certain Facebook groups riders are just "itching" to get their bikes out - mostly younger riders mind you. Still, I imagine they are doing all of the above. Personally, **** that....wait for a big rainstorm to get all the salt / dirt and garbage off the road before I get the wheels on the road. Now Im usually waiting till the start of June before I take the cover off, ride for comfort and wait till it's at least in the 20 degree area.
I'm not quite as patient as you, but I agree. Up here in the Peterpatch we have a ton of salt and sand still on the roads. I leave the bike in the garage until we've had a few rains and it's 10c out. I'm comfortable anytime it's double digits. What I do is get an early start on my springtime "honey-do" list, put out the patio furniture, clean up the yard etc so when the good weather comes I have all that stuff done.
I'm not quite as patient as you, but I agree. Up here in the Peterpatch we have a ton of salt and sand still on the roads. I leave the bike in the garage until we've had a few rains and it's 10c out. I'm comfortable anytime it's double digits. What I do is get an early start on my springtime "honey-do" list, put out the patio furniture, clean up the yard etc so when the good weather comes I have all that stuff done.

Peterborough is my hometown, and I remember about 15 years ago we had an un-usually warm March, the temperature was actually 28 - 34 for an entire week and I had the bike out.
Quite a few out and about with tidy tails and zipping through traffic on the QEW yesterday. Was a little jelly if I’m being honest.

My age and experience had me pondering concern for those riders encountering mindless cage drivers that may change lanes unexpectedly and end up seeing a wreck later down the road.
Even up north here in certain Facebook groups riders are just "itching" to get their bikes out - mostly younger riders mind you. Still, I imagine they are doing all of the above. Personally, **** that....wait for a big rainstorm to get all the salt / dirt and garbage off the road before I get the wheels on the road. Now Im usually waiting till the start of June before I take the cover off, ride for comfort and wait till it's at least in the 20 degree area.
Fresh brine sprayed on HWY 9 and also HWY 27 this morning. I'm still a few weeks out at least.
OPP are in some kinda blitz. Returning from the north on 11, I got a dozen warnings from Google Maps. I usually get none.

I didn’t get a warning on 11 south of North Bay. They got me exactly where the speed limit drops from 110 to 90.
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