Well that didnt last long :(

Glad you alright...Brampton and Markham very dangerous
omg that sucks!!!! What a crappy driver. I could somewhat understand misjudging distance and coming in too fast and hitting your bike while slamming on the brakes..but GOING from a green light?? WTF?!? There is no safe zone for us riders.

Which intersection was this at?
Like many people said, as long as you are ok, everything else is way lower on the importance list. Bike can be replaced, you/your health cannot. This accident also shows that we have a lot of crappy distracted drivers on the roads. Ride like you're invisible, always be aware of the situation. Like my M2-exit instructor at Learning Curves said, many motorcycle riders who got into accidents saw the incoming car but did nothing to prevent the accident. You always have to be ready to maneuver your bike out of those caged idiots who text/eat/drink/smoke/read newspaper/etc etc while driving.
Glad to hear you are ok. I find when people get on my tail, I try and maneuver out of the way or a rise my left arm to get their attention and motion for them to move back.
Hope you get to ride soon!
glad your ok,
did you go down?
(single entendre!!!)
Brampton has horrid drivers.
I was sitting at a red going south on Kennedy, 2nd light from centennial mall. Some guy in a beige 1980s shitbox pulls up, to the left of me (I was in left lane, right tire track) IN MY LANE.

The look his his wifes face when I looked back and stared him in the eyes was priceless. Whereas he just looked away, not man enough to own up.

And THEN he started tailgating me. So I had to do a little bit of traffic weaving to get away from him.

Anyways, sorry to hear about your crash. Bikes can always be fixed. And it's a hell of a lot faster, and easier, to fix a broken bike than a broken limb.
glad your ok and welcome to the site this place is great! Also I'm a fairly new rider like you and also in Brampton it can be scary at times
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