Well I think I'm done with street SS bikes...

I hear you.

It's really the foot pegs, way higher and way more back.

I just switched out the weekend bike from an FZ-09 to second gen Tuono - foot pegs are noticeably higher and further back. Both bikes are a blast.

Daily rider/tourer is a well sorted FZ1 which can be had for a song these days and may also be a good choice here.

Both bikes are also dirt cheap on insurance.
... Both bikes are also dirt cheap on insurance.
Two bikes insured and it's dirt cheap :confused: just how much is that dirt in Canadian dollars after tax?
Two bikes insured and it's dirt cheap :confused: just how much is that dirt in Canadian dollars after tax?

They are both classed as sport touring (with the Personal), $40/month per bike - no collision as neither one of them are worth that much...
Yoga. Or if you have work benefits, consult a Naturopath Doc.

At 49, I was quick to dismiss as hippy dippy crap. After a few visits, learning to breath, stretching and small diet changes, my stamina, endurance improved and no aches and pain.

I ride mountain bike daily and found it hard on my back and wasn’t getting any better. Now? I’m enjoying things much better.

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I have recently changed my eating quite a bit so we will see how that goes. As for the body work I have to make time for that. My problem is I work 7 days a week with a few of those days 12hrs or more and a couple other days it's both jobs...with a wife and 3 kids so lol...
Rode SS from my late teens to my early 30s. Took some time off to start a family and then bought a cruiser when I turned 40 but it didn't do it for me,sold it and bought a brand new FZ09,rode that for a few years and now in my mid 40s I bought another SS. I won't be keeping this bike to much longer, cant ride ride it for more them 30 minutes before my wrists and back start giving out (and im in decent shape). Going to sell it and get back onto a FZ09,no matter what shape your in, your body doesn't like to contort like a pretzel after 40.
Reviews for H2 SX are coming out now. All of the smiles in a more comfortable package with luggage.
Dont think I can manage a street SS anymore. Body cant take the abuse on my back plus the wife rides a cruiser so we cant really ride for fun together. I want to take longer trips with her more then I want to rip ramps with the guys around town...

I hate to say it but I'm getting older and need a crui....a naked standard touring bike thing lol...

Maybe I just get more into track days and a dedicated track bike...

Kawi Ninja ZX 1000ABS..... love it, whole lotta bike for a great price, awesome sport / touring machine.
I really don't like any bikes in the kawi line. I do like the h2 sx but hate the colors plus it's crazy expensive...
Rode SS from my late teens to my early 30s. Took some time off to start a family and then bought a cruiser when I turned 40 but it didn't do it for me,sold it and bought a brand new FZ09,rode that for a few years and now in my mid 40s I bought another SS. I won't be keeping this bike to much longer, cant ride ride it for more them 30 minutes before my wrists and back start giving out (and im in decent shape). Going to sell it and get back onto a FZ09,no matter what shape your in, your body doesn't like to contort like a pretzel after 40.

I'm sorry but i disagree with you saying that after 40 the body does not adapt to a sports bike. I believe it is all in the mind, I am 58 and still riding a sports bike. It all depends on the person's physical shape.
I'm 55y/o. I ride a ZX10R. I installed Heli bars, zero gravity screen and lower the foot pegs to the lowest position to make it useable. I once rode this thing for 16 hours. Motorcycling is seldom comfortable. If you sit on your couch for 8 hours your likely to get a sore back. A 6 hour ride is no big deal. An 8 hour ride begins to get a little uncomfortable. If you need true comfort then there is always the minivan option. Motorcycling is reserved for the most part for people with some grit. Happy apexes.
and pain tolerance
I'm sorry but i disagree with you saying that after 40 the body does not adapt to a sports bike. I believe it is all in the mind, I am 58 and still riding a sports bike. It all depends on the person's physical shape.
At 55 it's not just fitness, you have to consider wear and tear, old injuries, and other age related ailments. Certainly a fitness routine can help, but it's not going to relieve the pain and accompanying limitations from things like compressed disks, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries.

Ergos and adapting ones riding style will help this.

I retired my SS this summer (I'm 55). I swapped it for a 650cc ADV to get a more comfortable riding position, I'm loving it.

I also keep an FJR in the garage, she takes care of my need for speed -- on the street there isn't much a SS can offer over a big comfortable ST.
I'm sorry but i disagree with you saying that after 40 the body does not adapt to a sports bike. I believe it is all in the mind, I am 58 and still riding a sports bike. It all depends on the person's physical shape.
...there's always one....lol

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
Sweet bike, you're going to regret selling it.

I'd trade you even for my 1986 K100RS but my wife would kill me, she likes to ride pillion sometimes.
... for some strange reason my 63 y.o. wife doesn't like riding pillion on an MV Agusta.
Lol probably but it might depend on what I replace it with. If you guys could see and feel my back you would undetstand. In the end I want to ride with my wife and take trips so this bike just won't do...

Who knows it might not sell and I just keep popping pills and riding it lol...
I'm sorry but i disagree with you saying that after 40 the body does not adapt to a sports bike. I believe it is all in the mind, I am 58 and still riding a sports bike. It all depends on the person's physical shape.

^ this....you just have to work at it more the older you get
I'm also in the 50+ club, at 53. I bought a Triumph Daytona last March and it was fine for anything up to 35 minutes or so. Beyond that it was torture on my wrists and back, and my legs got uncomfortably cramped (I'm 5'11"). I felt numbness in my hands that lasted for weeks. I loved the bike but thought I might need to sell it.

Now, I have no problems riding 200 Km (taking a short break at 100 Km). I attribute the change to four factors:

- Helibars, which bring the riding position up by about an inch, slightly back, and so hands are at less of a droop angle.
- I'm in slightly better shape now due to riding (yes riding a motorcycle is physical exercise) and mild weight training.
- Using my core muscles to keep most of my weight off of my wrists. This isn't always possible, especially under braking but it does help.
- Getting used to it. The body adapts.

And my legs feel less cramped, possibly because I'm not as bent over thanks to the Helibars. Your mileage may vary of course but I'm loving the bike again.

I'd like to try a trip beyond 200 Km to see how I do...
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