Well doesn't this just suck

Not that straight forward...you can get multiple La Nina in a row ....this El Nino ( we are still under the influence of it ) was jaw dropping and the impact is still being assessed especially on the Great Barrier Reef.

There is no current La Nina. This is current status

One is expected. El Nino gives us warmer winters and it did as the atmospheric rivers flowed into the west coast and across to the Gulf and then the warm air of the Gulf comes north.

Looks like this blotch of wet will miss us mostly.


Chilly tho. Better test for me.

Not a bad ride up to the forks...hands a bit chilly even with the heated gloves ...needed the over gloves. Windy. AirGlide 3 pants with poly long johns just nice.

It is only 7 up here so that's why chilly hands...will use the over gloves going home.
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After over 400K yesterday my bike stayed firmly in the garage today.
Like they say, make hay when the sun shines.
+3*C and SNOW in Vaughan right now...

A quick look at Weather Underground radar shows snow around Port Perry as well....WTF Mother Nature??
+3*C and SNOW in Vaughan right now...
Just woke up.
Will look outside and report back.
For those following closely, sorry, I cannot see the Forks from here.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
For all you guys who were riding this winter due to the warn weather.
YOU KNEW there would be a price to pay.
I'm in denial, they told me it doesn't even snow in April
Vaughan right now

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Crazy hail storm in Etobicoke an hour ago.
Glad I missed that tho looks more like snow pellets...ride up to the forks was windy but sunny - some dark patched to the west but will be going home with the wind. It's all lake effect snow coming off Georgian Bay

Was comfortable at 3 degrees so that satisfies my testing and was nice to get out. Very clear crisp air....lot of people and traffic about...was a surprise - nice settled in the sun with my latte :D
I'd guess my feet would be cold after a full tank run. Hopefully on the trip we stay in the teens.
Of course :D ....gear worked out...easy ride home in the sun tho the wind almost tipped me over at the light...was not expecting that strong a gust.
Forgot to strap down the laptop but noticed not far down the road ...pretty strong case so would have survived but better not have had it come off. Got distracted by the heated gear cable and firing up the audio book.

I need saddle time so 30-40 minute ride each way is just nice .. slabbed it home yesterday and was quiet at 120+
Gotta give it to ya, weather did suck.

Sun,windburnt. Rained on and hailed on (prob1/2 dozen times), and at no point could I put on a t-shirt.

Brrry MC coldalot
forgot to put the heat on in the house and with that wind am colder sitting here than out on the bike..:rolleyes:

That was some serious gusting...CBF is not a small bike and really got beat around when stopped...was fine riding with it.
Weather sucks, wind blows. House cold. Latte in the sunshine nothing but a faded memory. Godspeed.
About 150km through Durham region during the rain and snow of Sunday afternoon. Plenty of slick and shiny gravel roads. Very windy at times. Cold.

In other words, just another thoroughly enjoyable ride. ?

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