Week of Dec 9th - mostly above freezing

I will be riding to work most days that will be +5 or so. I just hope the roads do not have that frosy haze in the morning.
It was damn slick a few times in the last few weeks.

I went out for a spin about 10pm last week, It sure was cool riding around with all the houses light up with Christmas lights!!!!

A few years ago, I went Xmas shopping after work with the bike on Dec 22. I made it to the front of ever line of traffic.
We should really be riding in December with weather like this, theres no excuse, In france people ride all year, even in winter, the coldest it got when i was there was -7 and with wind chill thats like -10-12, but there were thousands of bikers, scooters, cycles etc, and there was snow too. And paris is open unlike T-dot, so winds are there.

I think if someone gets a heated helmet, heated gloves and a heated vest, riding in temps like we have would not be that bad. I hear alot of people complain about hands, so did i, but i went online and i ordered heated gloves, and i have heated grips which i don't use since i got the gloves, other wise it gets way to hot. The gloves are a textile leather mix version of typical SS bike gloves, they just have a long lasting built in lap top type battery, lasts 10 hours per charge.

If someone made a winter heater suit you can wear under your clothes, i would ride everyday, with the addition of heated cloves and a helmet, complete package!.lol

Tues 6c, wed 5c, thurs 9c
Tuesday looks manageable and I may ensure that I have the afternoon off. Ice House ...
I went out today from Pickering to Brooklin to Port Perry and return, heated vest on and heated grips; I was out about 20 minutes too long! The sun is really low and glaring today, that was the worst issue. The motor's liking that cold dense air.
OP is right, this IS Canada, we are supposed to be tough and consider cold -30, not 0. I have ridden every day so far this fall/winter, the temp so far has been good for this late in the year, riding at -6 is nothing. I don't have heated grips or any fancy heated gear, sure it would be more comfortable with it, but i can handle it without it. I just wear long johns under my jeans, two pairs of socks, one pair under and one over the bottom of the long johns, leather boots that cover my ankles. Up top it's t-shirt under a sweater or hoodie usually, and my leather jacket on top with the collar pulled up covering most of the neck to my helmet. My gloves are just plain leather gloves. The only thing to stop me riding will be when there is permanent snow/ice on the roads, not the effects of cold on my body. I-am-Canadian!
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Went for a ride today. Quite nice out! Though I do wear like five layers plus have heated grips.
Plain leather gloves without hand guards at -6 -!! hope your rides aren't long.
No matter how tough you are - physics rules.
10 degrees forecast for Thursday!?! Yippee! Can't decide if I want to risk the potential black ice--what's it been like in the city (on two wheels)? Otherwise my heated gear will see me through.
I live downtown Toronto and my bike broke down in oshawa so I took it to gp bikes,now my bike is ready and they told me they can trailer to my house for 150 bucks or i can pick it up and ride it back home myself and i will save that money so I decided tomorrow I'll be riding the 401 and DVP around noon +4!!
For all the people who say the winter is too long. Look back at the week of Dec 12 2011 and see that you could still ride.
Then go ahead and tell me how long the winter is.
With luck, I'll be back out on the bike in early March!!!!!

I'm riding to work now. See ya.
Just got back from running an errand on the bike ... saw someone else out there, too ... and tomorrow for the Ice House early afternoon is on!!
woo looks like i can keep riding back and forth from work till im off to vacation. I havnt seen any riders in 2 weeks :(
Wow, my procrastination finally paid off today. I had intended to store my bike a few weeks ago but have been putting it off. Went out today for a quick spin. It's great to be able to go for a ride less than two weeks before Christmas. It sure will make the wait till spring go by better.
Rode on Sunday and yesterday. Loving this weather:) Hopefully I can get a few more rides in before it really snows.
Made it out ... saw a couple other bikes on the road, but none here. Last ride on this bike before it goes to a new owner, too!


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