Wear your gear... ***WARNING: GRAPHIC***

I don't know why some people think these photos are fake. I see no evidence of that. This is a completely plausible scenario.

To me it looks to clean. No mess of blood either. If it came off your body would be pumping blood and it would need to be stoped manually as your body could not clot a wound that big on it's own.

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Fake, if you lost a foot, I doubt the pavement would be clean, and you certainly would not be sitting up.
It's most likely a real picture guys... I've seen in first hand some incredeibly "clean" amputations blood wise. The body, while in shock can constrict blood vessels enough to prevent a major blood loss for a period of time... That's one of the effects of adrenaline, vasoconstriction. That's why people can go "white with fear", as blood is taken away from the extremities and used to focus on keeping the blood in the core to feed the most important things.

Boots likely could have saved his foot, even some decent tall work boots can make a huge difference. I've had to look at studies of the effects of IEDs etc and the kit we are supposed to wear so I can have knowledge to back it up when I ***** at the guys to wear their kit overseas.

Just wear the damn gear!!
those that have never been injured need not throw there 2 cents around. time is the issue. if the pics where taken right after it takes awhile for blood to gush. dude looks very muscular but still he should be lying on his back, not sitting upright. blood pressure drops quick with a wound that big. its summer so things should be very fluid and buddy is adrenalized so yes there should be lots of blood as he would have an increased heart rate. still very interesting
I'm quite doubtful it's shopped and in fact, fully expect it's real and rmemedic explains why (for those with no medical knowledge). There are other accident scenes online and very little blood considering the nature of the injuries. You want an ad for wearing gear on the bike and not being an ****** while you're at it...? Look online for the Taco Bell vs. SS accident photos from a few years back. I wouldn't advise doing it while (or soon after) eating though....
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Looks shopped but
Who the hell runs from Cops in Manila?

$20 US bill gets you out of anything
It does look shopped but why.... in the **** would you run from the cops on a scooter. I think you could get away faster on foot or 2 feet.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure nothing short of metal pants would prevent this foot amputation, and the people claiming photoshop have either never used it, or have gotten their knowledge of the human body from Kill Bill
It does look shopped but why.... in the **** would you run from the cops on a scooter. I think you could get away faster on foot or 2 feet.
He was going apparently fast enough to sever a foot. Try repeating that stunt while on nothing but Nikes.
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Look online for the Taco Bell vs. SS accident photos from a few years back. I wouldn't advise doing it while (or soon after) eating though....

Damn.. took me a while to find them but I did because I'm a sick and twisted individual.

I feel like eating some pasta.
Re: Wear your gear...

Where did you find it? Any more info? He has all of about 3 scratches on him and a foot clean off, no marks on the ground, no blood around, sitting there just holding the leg up looking at it like...oh that's not good.

Anything in the original story about this on how he lost it? Just not sure how you can loose a limb that easily, that clean, without any other damage to you.
Re: Wear your gear...

Looks real to me, look up photos of people who lost a limb to mines, etc...

Regardless, I don't think riding boots would have prevented this.
Damn.. took me a while to find them but I did because I'm a sick and twisted individual.
I didn't remember at first, but once I googled it, I didn't even have to click a link to remember these pics.

That was a suicide though right? He purposely drove at super high speed right into that Taco Bell (where his ex girlfriend worked, they had just broke up iirc).

-Jamie M.
I don't know why some people think these photos are fake. I see no evidence of that. This is a completely plausible scenario. Also, getting your leg chopped off in an accident is quite common here.

It's fake. End thread.

Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:

ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
Looks shopped but
Who the hell runs from Cops in Manila?

$20 US bill gets you out of anything

That so tru lol.. that's like a couple of hundred peso's to the popo and extra $$ for a roasted pig with an apple in the mouth for appetizers hahaha.
could be fake.. his left slipper should still be on his foot lol.
Re: Wear your gear...

Looks real to me, look up photos of people who lost a limb to mines, etc...

Regardless, I don't think riding boots would have prevented this.

I didn't happen to see the mine anywhere in the pics
I didn't remember at first, but once I googled it, I didn't even have to click a link to remember these pics.

That was a suicide though right? He purposely drove at super high speed right into that Taco Bell (where his ex girlfriend worked, they had just broke up iirc).

-Jamie M.

From what I gathered, I don't think it was a suicide. His gf and him got into a fight so he went for a ride to cool off.. and decided he needed to go 100mph - 120mph to cool off.

Personally, I feel pretty cool going around 90km/h, especially on the Gardiner when you hit the lake.. what a nice breeeeze!
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