anyone have experience with a TRS-25 red dot?
It's a workhorse and a reliable backup sight for me. Can run it on just about anything. What do you wanna run it on?
anyone have experience with a TRS-25 red dot?
If someone wants your firearms there are better ways to find out what you own and even where you live besides this thread.
I doubt someone will risk up to life in prison to steal a pathetic .22
the official answer
and why stop asking questions, just because a few bad or sarcastic answers, skip over them and find the ones that are proper, there is nothing wrong with asking......
at least you got it delivered to you and you were at home to take delivery, had you not been and had to pick it up at the post office,,,,you would be calling for a temp ATT to take your package from the post office to home, and you are responsible to know what is in the package, and actually responsible to insure it's secured properly, and transported according to the laws we have, now if that is not a joke, I don't know what is.....but it's the laws we have, give this some thought.....
I'm a little confused about the last part of your post, why would it be your responsibility to know whats in the package and get a STATT for it?? I have read a lot of different opinions about this, is there a law that specifies this??
Q. Do I need authorization to transport my firearms from one location to another? Any time you personally transport a restricted or prohibited firearm within Canada, you need an Authorization to Transport (ATT) from the Chief Firearms Officer of the province where the firearm is located or where it will be entering Canada. You do not need an ATT for firearms that are being shipped by licensed carrier or for non-restricted firearms that you are transporting yourself.
Transporting Firearms Safely
Non-restricted firearms
Non-restricted firearms must be unloaded during transportation.
Restricted and prohibited firearms
- Unload the firearms; and
- Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and
- Lock the firearms in a sturdy, non-transparent container; and
- Remove the bolts or bolt carriers from any automatic firearms (if removable).
- Obtain an Authorization to Transport (call
So there really is no way to transport it and follow the law even if you get an ATT because I don't imagine it gets shipped with a trigger lock in a locked container??
great laws we have here...
on a different note my RPAL was approved last week and I've been finding myself running to check the mail every day as soon as I get home from work like a little kid that runs downstairs on Christmas morning......anyone else done that?
yes, you would open the package at the post office, and do the steps required for transport as per the transport laws quoted above....
Yah, stupid laws
Just do like the 99 percent of people do (I would imagine), get your package, put it in the trunk, or somewhere it's not visible, and go home, once home open package and enjoy the addition to your collection.......
Congrats on your RPAL.....
What do you think will happen if you open up a package at the post office and a soccer mom sees you pull out a handgun and start putting a trigger lock on it?
Nothing should are following the law as frikken bad for the soccer mom and her paranoia.....
Done it a few times, no one even knew what I was doing, including the clerks at the counter, it's all on how you want to do it
Now if your worried about the cops, well by the time you open the package, trigger lock, if need be, it should already be on, put in case, walk out, get in car, and leave, cops wouldn't have even shown up.....and on top of all that, your following the law, so what should happen ?
but like I said, most don't follow and usually there is never an issue......but you would be in more trouble, as opposed to getting soccer mom's panties in a knot.....
Maybe educate the soccer mom if she is putting up a fuss
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the BS laws, unfortunately we are asked to follow how much is up to each individual....
You pulled a handgun out of a box, inside a post office, and nobody noticed?
I seriously doubt that.
And cops will show up in 30 seconds flat when someone calls in a gun inside a post office. The response would be overwhelming and you'd have a lot of explaining to do.
Open box reach in apply the trigger lock. Explain to the person at the counter what you will be doing first to Minimise and potential issues. Its not like he's pulling it out and waving it around.
Seems weird and an unnecessary situation to put yourself in. I'd take the package home and be done with it. Whens the last time you were pulled over and searched? For that matter, when is the last time a cop opened your mail? :lol: I get a lot of packages, half the time I don't know whats inside until I open it.
Explain to a postal employee that Im about to unpack a handgun??? Hell no. Most people have no clue that handguns are even legal.
You pulled a handgun out of a box, inside a post office, and nobody noticed?
I seriously doubt that.
And cops will show up in 30 seconds flat when someone calls in a gun inside a post office. The response would be overwhelming and you'd have a lot of explaining to do.
Open box reach in apply the trigger lock pull it out and wrapping in some of the packing material and place it in your case.. You could even Explain to the person at the counter what you will be doing first to Minimise any potential issues. Its not like he's pulling it out and waving it around.
your not there to show the whole place the contents of what you have come to pickup
and yes you can do it discretely.....
it's a pistol, not a long gun.......
It's a workhorse and a reliable backup sight for me. Can run it on just about anything. What do you wanna run it on?
What every you dont yell "LISTEN UP I HAVE A GUN"