We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

just checked online and my application was processed and the card has been sent out :-)

gotta get that card and its shopping time!!!
Fired off a Sig P-226, MP5 SD, M4 CQBR, and a M-259 SAW when I was in Vegas last week. Wish we could use fully automatic weapons here in soviet Canuckistan.
If you want cheap but not Norinco cheap, get a SAM... miles ahead of the Chinese stuff in fit-finish. I had a SAM Commander in 9mm it was a beauty of a gun.
also an awesome price. I'm tempted...
Hey Johnny,

Try these guys for ammo, their reloads are quality and are loaded around IPSC Production spec (meaning light powder, heavy bullet for increased accuracy).

I recommend 124gr TMJ, shoots great in my G17


e-mail him directly at jpar@shaw.ca the e-mails on the site are no good

Thanks I am still looking for 9mm bulk, I was going to order American Eagle 115 because its the only thing I can really find in 1000 round quantity. Im just not sure if its any good, so Im hesitant to buy 1000 before I try it or get some feedback on it. Im going to order 1000 Fiocchi .45 tomorrow, I know I like that stuff because Ive shot it, its expensive but free shipping.

Hows that place for stock, if you vouch for it Id be looking at 1000? Everyone else doesn't seem to have anything but Winchester white box in 115 or 124. That is in stock locally in 50 and 100 box so I can just grab that any time, but no savings buying bulk..
Johnny....here is an inexpensive way of getting you into the 1911 style of pistol......I am thinking of getting one, just for the heck of it...


and or this one



You guys into the .45 specifically for 1911's? I was thinking 9mm to keep cost down, I love the .45 punch but I'll be shooting 9mm more. And I just ordered a .45, so I don't plan to buy another any time soon...When I do buy a 1911 it would be more competition focused, so Id think 9mm would be more ideal?
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What do you have your eyes on for a firearm?

from talking to people, and the research that I have done I was thinking about getting a Glock 17 as a first gun, I have held one and it feels nice plus from what I have read its stupid simple and I wont be able to **** it up too much, but at the end of the day it will really depend on my instinct when I go shopping, I plan to go to a few places that have a good selection where I can paw my way through a bunch of guns and see which feels right, also I plan to get a 22lr for the sake of being able to fire off 1000 + rounds for $80...

I know Cabela's in Barrie has a large selection as well as TSC, any other suggestions on shops or guns are welcome.
from talking to people, and the research that I have done I was thinking about getting a Glock 17 as a first gun, I have held one and it feels nice plus from what I have read its stupid simple and I wont be able to **** it up too much, but at the end of the day it will really depend on my instinct when I go shopping, I plan to go to a few places that have a good selection where I can paw my way through a bunch of guns and see which feels right, also I plan to get a 22lr for the sake of being able to fire off 1000 + rounds for $80...

I know Cabela's in Barrie has a large selection as well as TSC, any other suggestions on shops or guns are welcome.

Check out the m&p9 in 9mm, or the m&p22. Same gun, one is in 9 the other in 22.
For a new shooter i'd say look at a 22 first to learn and practice, then move up. Seen too many guys jump on a bigger gun right off the bat and then shoot at the grass at the range lol

The m&p is just like a glock, a bit cheaper, but comes with 3 grips as well.

I found the glocks design to be a bit hard on the wrist since its design kinda forces you to bend your wrist forward. The m&p on the other hand is a more relaxed design.

^^ later model Glocks also come with interchangeable backstraps to fit various grips... but you're right that generally the Glock grip angle is a bit more aggressive than other handguns. Personally I love it, but it's all about the individual. When you become a decent shooter, the gun really starts to matter much less. I'm confident with any semi-auto.

I don't like the method for field stripping an M&P.
I'm doing my RPAL next week. I wanted to get a 1911 for my first handgun, but after comparing the price of 1000 .45 and 1000 9mm ($500.64 vs $310.75 respectively) I've decided to start with a 9mm and get a 1911 later on.

When I was thinking of getting a 1911, I went through the process of being set on buying a norc 1911 $350+tax+shipping, then a SAM 1911 $500+tax+shipping, but at the end day, I would personally pick up a used Ruger SR1911 from CGN EE for $600 rather than the others and you get a far superior gun.

Also, does anyone have any personal experience with the Girsan Regard 9 (Beretta 92FS clone)? People seem to like it.

On another note, I just finished my gun case mount for my bike! Took it out for a 30 minute test run and all went all. Only thing left to do is clean up all the welds and powder coat it. What do you guys think?

from talking to people, and the research that I have done I was thinking about getting a Glock 17 as a first gun, I have held one and it feels nice plus from what I have read its stupid simple and I wont be able to **** it up too much, but at the end of the day it will really depend on my instinct when I go shopping, I plan to go to a few places that have a good selection where I can paw my way through a bunch of guns and see which feels right, also I plan to get a 22lr for the sake of being able to fire off 1000 + rounds for $80...

I know Cabela's in Barrie has a large selection as well as TSC, any other suggestions on shops or guns are welcome.
Nice I recently bought a glock 17 gen4 for my first gun from target sports. They have the biggest selection of handguns on display of any store I've been too. Also it's nice that you can actually shoot the same gun there before you buy it, I shot 20 rounds before buying it. Even if you don't buy it there at least you can put a lot of different guns in your hand at one place to get an idea how they compare
I'm doing my RPAL next week. I wanted to get a 1911 for my first handgun, but after comparing the price of 1000 .45 and 1000 9mm ($500.64 vs $310.75 respectively) I've decided to start with a 9mm and get a 1911 later on.

When I was thinking of getting a 1911, I went through the process of being set on buying a norc 1911 $350+tax+shipping, then a SAM 1911 $500+tax+shipping, but at the end day, I would personally pick up a used Ruger SR1911 from CGN EE for $600 rather than the others and you get a far superior gun.

Also, does anyone have any personal experience with the Girsan Regard 9 (Beretta 92FS clone)? People seem to like it.

On another note, I just finished my gun case mount for my bike! Took it out for a 30 minute test run and all went all. Only thing left to do is clean up all the welds and powder coat it. What do you guys think?

You can get lots of different 1911s in 9mm.. so if you really want one, get one. They're good guns.

Nice rig for your bike, too. Not sure if I'd wanna display my guns so prominently for all to see, but if that's your mode of transportation why not.
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