We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

It's too bad we cannot get it in the USA anymore....

but I think they have a shortage as well

Is there certain calibers that are in short supply, or is just all calibers? Man I didn't want to have to get into re-loading so early in my shooting....Never mind getting good prices, you cant even buy the good stuff cause nobody has it, seems like you take what you can get when you can, and buy all of it
Anything that is popular is always in demand and usually in shortage.....

Reloading is the best way to get around it, but now you have shortage of powder sometimes, brass, primers, and so on

Glad I stock piled over the years, but even I am starting to run low......less than a thousand rounds on some of my ammo, and that just sucks....
Well I can see it being a good hammer!

So guys where in the hell can I buy bulk 9mm ammo? Since my ATT should be here in a week or 2 I want to stock up on my own ammo to shoot so I dont have to buy boxs of 50 for $25 all the time from the range. I look online and nobody has anything bigger then a box of 100, and most only have boxs of 50 with very limited selection. I go on sites like CanadaAmmo.com and they have like 50 different kinds of 9mm, all but one are out of stock!

Is it really that hard to find 9mm? Ideally Id like to buy a case of 1000 or more rounds, and I wanted to get some 115 and 124 grn...Any suggestions? Id prefer to order online, but dont mind driving out of the GTA to get it within an hour or so driving distance, especially if its another gun store that I can visit to look.

The blazer stuff is dirty and at night it will look like you're shooting fireworks.
You try amercian eagle?


The blazer stuff is dirty and at night it will look like you're shooting fireworks.
You try amercian eagle?



I dont think I have, I shot Fiocchi, Winchester in a white box with red writing, Blazer alum, some cheap stuff in an orange box, and another brand but I dont remember what it was. Basically whatever Target sports had in stock because I was shooting their guns I have to use their ammo. They have a rule where the first box I have to pay $30 range price and I get the cheap orange box stuff, then any box after that comes from the retail side and I can choose from whatever they have in stock.

I dont think I have shot American eagle but I did plan to go to Al's to buy some ammo as I see they have Winchester 115 in 100 box and 147 in 50 box. So at least I could try a heavier bullet. However they do not have any Amreican Eagle listed in 9mm on their site

I cant remember what they had but LeBaron also had some 9mm in stock when I was there, so I might pass by tomorrow just to see as its close to home, as well as Sail at Sherway....
This is why lots of people hoard ammo.. buy whatever good deals you come across and store it in a crate at home. That way you'll always have a supply for range trips.
This is why lots of people hoard ammo.. buy whatever good deals you come across and store it in a crate at home. That way you'll always have a supply for range trips.

Since this is the first time I will be buying ammo outside of the range and bringing it home, what is considered safe storage for ammo? Should I bring a pelican type case with me? Just to be on the safe side...Or is there no specifics when it comes to carrying ammo home in your car? I wont have any firearms in the car at the time, just ammo from store to home
Transport it any way you like.......

I usually buy it and toss it in the back seat, or on the floor of the passenger side, or in the trunk....or....

it really don't matter...

Ok just want to be sure there isn't some law like opaque case or out of sight or whatever...I have bench seats in the pickup truck that have storage under them, I'll toss them under there
if you wish, but you don't need too.....even if you have your firearms with you, as long as you are transporting your firearms accronding to the trasport laws....your good to go....

Thanks I just got some conflicting info from the PAL course, either I didn't understand correctly or they just have a different idea of law vs what they want you to do...

For example I read online that the AK 47 is prohibited in Canada by design, you can have AK 47 replicas but they are internally nothing like an actual AK 47. The instructor said I didn't know what the hell I was talking about...However even after that I went online and still get the same info, anyone with a regular RPAL can not own a true AK47, only variants of it...Cant argue with the "teacher" though. Even though another class mate agreed with me as they were under the same info as me
some info on the web

In Canada the AK47 falls into the category of a section 12-2 prohibited firearm. Being a prohibited firearm does not mean that noone may own one. What it means it that there only a very few individuals who would qualify to own one. Those eligible to own an AK47 are those who legally possessed them prior to the implementation of the current Firearms Act. The term used is Grandfathering. In order to retain grandfathering privileges one must maintain unbroken ownership of the particular class of firearm.

If you have never legally owned a 12-2 (or any other) prohibited firearm you may not legally purchase one today.

For some weird reason can't own an actual brand-name Russian-made AK-47
But we can own Kalashnikov variants manufactured by other countries

Some examples:

Link - https://www.canadaammo.com/product/detai...

Link - http://www.gagnonsports.com/index.php?pr...

The Czechs, bless their souls, also build a special Canadian version engraved with maple leaves:
Link - http://www.wolverinesupplies.com/details...

Other fun stuff that's legal in Canada for those who have the right categories of gun licence:

Heavy machine guns:
Link - http://www.marstar.ca/dynamic/category.j...

Light machine guns:
Link - http://www.marstar.ca/dynamic/category.j...

Pistols of all kinds:
Link - https://www.canadaammo.com/product/byCat...

And all sorts of other bang-pow goodness:
Link - http://www.wolverinesupplies.com/product...

Which includes even Barrett .50 calibre sniper rifles:
Link - http://www.wolverinesupplies.com/details...

lots of reading....

it will make your head spin.....LOL
Thanks I just got some conflicting info from the PAL course, either I didn't understand correctly or they just have a different idea of law vs what they want you to do...

For example I read online that the AK 47 is prohibited in Canada by design, you can have AK 47 replicas but they are internally nothing like an actual AK 47. The instructor said I didn't know what the hell I was talking about...However even after that I went online and still get the same info, anyone with a regular RPAL can not own a true AK47, only variants of it...Cant argue with the "teacher" though. Even though another class mate agreed with me as they were under the same info as me

AK47 is prohibited by name. The closest thing you can buy is a Valmet, they're high end Finnish-built AK style rifles. To my knowledge that's literally the only one you can buy that's technically an AK.

The CZ858/CSA/VZ guns look similar but are nothing alike. No parts interchangeability at all.
AK47 is prohibited by name. The closest thing you can buy is a Valmet, they're high end Finnish-built AK style rifles. To my knowledge that's literally the only one you can buy that's technically an AK.

The CZ858/CSA/VZ guns look similar but are nothing alike. No parts interchangeability at all.

So basically I was correct and he was wrong, it is Prohib and you can not own a true AK 47. I hate when you know your right but you just have to bite your lip.....

Just like I will never be able to buy the HK MP5 at TS, even if I have the $4500 the guy is asking I dont have the 12.6 (correct me if Im wrong on the prohib lic number) lic required to own it
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Yeah it sounds like you were right. You can't even own "variants" of AKs, they're all prohibited entirely with the exception of Valmet Hunter and the M78.

12.6 is a prohibition relating specifical to short barrel handguns (and the .32 caliber?) so it wouldn't apply to the AK thing. AK's were banned by a special order in 1995.

Here's a good reference for ya, basically a big list of everything "bad" and when it was banned:


To me, the most notable items are the AKs, the Benelli M1, SPAS12, MP5, HK91, FAL, and AUG. Talk about some awesome guns, no more dangerous than any other semi autos on the market. Bureaucrats, man.
Yeah it sounds like you were right. You can't even own "variants" of AKs, they're all prohibited entirely with the exception of Valmet Hunter and the M78.

12.6 is a prohibition relating specifical to short barrel handguns (and the .32 caliber?) so it wouldn't apply to the AK thing. AK's were banned by a special order in 1995.

Here's a good reference for ya, basically a big list of everything "bad" and when it was banned:


To me, the most notable items are the AKs, the Benelli M1, SPAS12, MP5, HK91, FAL, and AUG. Talk about some awesome guns, no more dangerous than any other semi autos on the market. Bureaucrats, man.

Ok gotcha so a 12.6 is what I would need to buy that P08 Luger I wanted, unless I get one that was converted to a longer barrel. Not gonna happen lol
Ok gotcha so a 12.6 is what I would need to buy that P08 Luger I wanted, unless I get one that was converted to a longer barrel. Not gonna happen lol
I may be able to fix you up with piece you're looking for - older P08, with new 6" barrel. P.M. me if interested.
Took another trip to the range tonight, Shot 50 rounds of 9mm through a AR rifle, was good to shoot a rifle for the first time even though it was a pistol caliber. It had a red dot on it, so I was able to shoot right handed but left eye, very awkward but its the only way I can shoot a rifle.

Also tried out some .357 sig in a Glock 31, cool caliber, 9mm bullet on steroids

The highlight of the night was when I started chatting with a IPSC competitor Nick who was there early for the IPSC practice night that runs on Tues. I was asking him about his Tanfoglio that he shoots in production division. He was shooting 9mm 147gr that he repacks himself and his pistol was very nice, it had billet gold anodized grips on it with Tanfoglio engraved into them that I have seen selling for $300 alone. I guess I asked him enough questions to show a serious interest in his sport, because when he realized I was only shooting the range guns, he handed it over and said go for it! Man was that sweet, the smoothest 10 rnds I have shot so far, that gun was fantastic. I did not ask what the model was but he did say it cost $2500 for the stock pistol....I gots to get me one of those! Its great that you can talk to someone for 5 minutes, and they let you shoot something worth so much money...Small world too, I mentioned my Snapon supplier that also competes in IPSC, and he knew him personally by first/last name...
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Quick search and I believe this was the pistol, as the slide and frame was that same color, with the addition of the gold anodized grips.
Tanfoglio Stock II Extreme
Tanfolgio make some bad-*** guns. Not sure I'd personally buy that over a CZ SP01 but I'm probably not near good enough to take advantage of the more expensive gun.

Speaking of which, have you shot an SP01? Might be nearly as impressive to you, for faaar less dough.

Check this:

His conclusion:
They’re all basically the same.

No, seriously. They seem to feel about the same when you shoot them, they have similar triggers (especially with a SRT-equipped Shadow), they group about the same, and they recoil about the same. The Stock 3 and the Shadow even chrono-ed the same.
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