We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

... I own 9 firearms, the older one is from 1906, the most recent one is a cz-858.

The CZ-858 is on my want list. Nice little toys... though I hear the bore is prone to rusting with the cheap corrosive ammo... what is your experience?
I've had my license since the day I turned 18 and have owned over 20 firearms ranging from .22, 9MM, 45ACP, .223, 12GA, 308, x39 and x54

Just sold my last one as I am leaving for the CF soon so I'll just shoot what they give me for now.
and I suppose we should ban sharp sticks also because your scared of those too?

dont joke they band the sale of some knife's in hamilton such as Cold Steel because they state in there adds they can cut anything.
I was told the police did not like the idea of a knife cuting through a vest. But hay any knife can do that.
ya God forbid that isn't legal in Canada....

cause you know the thugs/criminals/dangers to society/illegal gun owners really pay attention to the law :jerk:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGGmFj9282Q&feature=related"]YouTube- Penn and Teller - Gun Free Zones[/ame]
I paint ball like my life depends on it, but would it count as shooting? :rolleyes:

never really had a thing for guns, other than paint ball
yup, ride and shoot , own rifles and handguns...... makes the weeks go by so bloody fast..... tues ride, thurs shoot, sat shoot, sun ride....... gotta love hobbies! :cool:
I haven't shot in quite a long time. Don't have the time, nor the inclination to join a shooting club.
Used to shoot a lot when I was a kid, the old man was a bit of a collector and we lived in the country (after he retired at the age of 39) so I had lots of opportunity. In 1969 he made me take a gun safety course before he would let me have a pellet gun. I was 12 at the time. Then he took me to his work for an interview with the head of the RCMP at J division headquarters in Fredericton NB, I guess I passed the interview and the next day I bought my pellet gun at K-Mart :) My Dad set up a range with pellet trap in the attic and he use to take me the RCMP range to learn hand guns. He had his crossed pistol and rifle qualification and taught me a lot about shooting and gun safety.

I lived in the US for 4 years (2005 - 2009) and took up trap, skeet and sporting clays. Lot of fun and bought a nice O/O Browning Citori off a friend for a very good price. There was a trap range 5 minutes from my house there and we'd meet every Wednesday morning to shoot 4 rounds :) Living in Las Vegas we used to go to some of the indoor ranges and shoot friends handguns but I wish I had taken the opportunity to shoot some of the full auto's that you could rent at the ranges :(

All my friends down there had CCW permits and carried pretty much all the time.

Sold my shotgun south of the border when I moved back as I didn't have a current FAC or whatever they're called these days LOL!!

I miss shooting, guess I should start working on my paperwork for up here :)
Lmao you were in cadets too? What regiment were you in?
Those C7's were fun :)
I was at 2824 pretty fun stuff finished CLI Marksman in Canaught kinda ****ed myself over as I was chasing to much tail vs focusing dropped it there no point on becoming staff babysitting all summer.
Handgun and shotgun shooter here. I'm a member of Target Sports in Stouffville.
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