Nice coyote rifle! I use a custom made Mauser 98 small-ring lightweight sporter chambered in 7x57... laser trajectory to at least 300 yards, comfortable recoil, and well... destructive.
Come to AuroraBeen busting my *** trying to find a club with a decent rifle range to become a member at... most are either full or way too far.
Oshawa Skeet and Gun club looks perfect, but full.
Gonna try at Borden, but no guarantees they'll bite. (I would give my first born child for an hour on the 1000m range)
Firestart says use Silverdale till HAHA opens up... might do that.. might try Barrie or BDHACC until then.
Come to Aurora
Don't they have like a 25m range? I need me triple digits! 200-300 meters would be perfect for me, but I'll settle for 100
I don't have an RPAL (yet) so only long guns.. and shooting them at 25m isn't worth the hefty membership fee
Pretty sure they have an out door range too.
Weird I'll ask next time I go cause, I'm pretty sure when I was doing my safety training they said they do skeet shooting out there.Website says 50m outdoor range for archery. No love for me
With a decent scope and rifle even 200m becomes boring, 1k range, oooh boy i'd love that, i'd even enjoy 500m.
I gotta go up north to that place I found.....yuup.
I received many firearm by canada post, its 100% legal!
I own 9 firearms, the older one is from 1906, the most recent one is a cz-858.
Always thought that one of these would be fun to put together for shooting at a range, but figured it would be highly illegal up here.
So, did you get into Borden?
No word back yet, but I'm not holding my breath. They only let in 30% non-military members. We'll see
Did you try..... ?
They are between Angus and Barrie on Pinegrove Rd. Don't know anything about them but they look like a good club. ISPC, Cowboy, Archery, handgun, rifle, skeet etc.
Yea, can't you just go to Silverdale for $20 a day or something like that?
If you don't want to shoot R-guns you don't need an ATT from a club so it's easier to go there.
Do they have a long range or is it just 300M and under?