We know you ride, but do you collect Camo?

If this is an problem, how can I make sure what my pants actually are (official issue or commercial item)?
I just went to the Goodwill store and bought them, I wasn't thinking about this as a potential problem.
Don't want to offend anyone by wearing them.
Look inside the garment .. official cf clothing has item numbers stamped inside. Old issued stuff is OK to wear but anything currently issued is restricted .. I'm a supply tech in the Navy :)
Look inside the garment .. official cf clothing has item numbers stamped inside. Old issued stuff is OK to wear but anything currently issued is restricted .. I'm a supply tech in the Navy :)
What do you guys wear in the navy?
Day to day ... blue shirts black cargo pants really shiny parade boots :)Screenshot_2014-08-28-18-26-26-1.jpg
Also all White's .. if we train or serve on an army base cad pat with navy ranks (beside your name is a symbol) . The trick with camo stuff is too look at the color of the t shirt underneath for what service (element) they are in.
American Navy has a digital dark blue, absolutely love it. Still trying to get one. I have an American friend in the Navy, I'd have to keep in touch with him.



Even other countries like China have adopted a blue camo for their Navy
Kingdom of Jordan with their Navy Camo, on the left

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