Looks like we finally achieved our goal, pissing the locals off. In the short run nothing will change but an increase in police presence, but eventually there will be significant changes. Can't give the middle finger to the tax paying residents forever, after all these are the same people who vote for the councils etc.
Sympathetic to long standing resident concerns, Council directed staff to investigate a bylaw to regulate excessive noise from motorcycles. They also asked the Police Service Board to evaluation the group's other recommendations.
Noisy Motorcycles on Hockley Road Not Welcome
This is what a group of residents living on Hockley Road impressed upon Council. Representing the group, Trish Keachie and D’Arcy O’Neill told Council that noise, speeding and the volume of truck traffic on the County road needs to be addressed. They presented a range of options for Council to consider, though recognized that it will take a cooperative effort with the County and OPP to make it happen. Their recommendations include:- Create a bylaw to prohibit noisy motorcycles
- More police presence including speed enforcement blitzes
- Photo Radar
- Making the road pedestrian only on summer weekends
- Stop signs at several intersections
- Reduced speed limit
- Banning heavy trucks
Sympathetic to long standing resident concerns, Council directed staff to investigate a bylaw to regulate excessive noise from motorcycles. They also asked the Police Service Board to evaluation the group's other recommendations.