Waving on divided highways


I find that most motorcyclists don't wave when we're on a divided highway.
So, I don't even bother to wave. The odd person does wave though, and I always feel bad for not putting my hand out fast enough before they're past. :(
Does anyone else feel this way?
She was a skatergirl, he waved see ya later girl, he wasn't good enough for her...

I`m gonna have that song in my head all night thanks.
I find that most motorcyclists don't wave when we're on a divided highway.
So, I don't even bother to wave. The odd person does wave though, and I always feel bad for not putting my hand out fast enough before they're past. :(
Does anyone else feel this way?

Do you mean wave on the 401 or DVP for opposite traffic for example?
Something that looks like this.
Something that looks like this.

Ok, even if you wave in time, chances are the other rider is not going to see you from the barrier. On that kind of speed, I suggest, but it is up to you to concentrate on handling and riding safely. Nod instead and save the waving on the normal streets.
The barrier isn't that high. A wave is easily seen across it.
I ride with one hand on the highway a lot of times anyway, so might as well put it to better use waving.
I stand up on my pegs and wave both arms fully extended. But if you're a girl, I give you the cold shoulder.
This thread's got me all like LOL WUT
any1 interested in a group buy? I just emailed Frank the real biker. he said we need 500,000,000,000 orders to get the 2.99$ deal plus shipping.
i hve waved to other riders on a divided highway and have been waved at but only when traffic is dead
For realzies ? ;P
25 posts...2 threads about waving.

Awesome Sauce.
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