I pay about $500 per year for tank rental. Tank is about 8 years old. Buyout is 1100. Bleeping bleep bleep. Even if I needed an emergency call every 5 years, I would be way up owning. I dont need emergency plumbing calls, I can deal with it.I’ll be Devil’s advocate. We had a rental heater through the utility company here in Kingston. One night, late on the wife noticed a trickle of water in the cupboard where the heater was. Determined it was from the heater. Quick call to the utilities emergency number, then a transfer and 30 mins later a plumber turns up, removed the old heater, installed a new one shipped in that evening from a depot. Didn’t finish until really late on that night. No charge to us.
Charge isn’t outrageous but that’s maybe because the local utilities company sources these things. The plumber said the heater was close to completely failing and if it had we would have had serious water damage.
Pretty sure my contract is nearer that lower end which is why I’m not in a rush to swap it out. Had a good chat with the plumber that did the swap out and he said we were getting a decent deal as his emergency call out fees and heater swap costs were pretty high. Add on to that we got an updated and more efficient heater.My tank is apparently from 1998 and the enbridge tech that showed up said it should be a $75 disposal fee and that’s that.
I’ll find out on Tuesday as I want to replace it with a modern tank. Said due to age it should be no issue cancelling the contract at $16/month. Apparently current ones are $70/month (approx).
$75 disposal fee
Everyone contract I have seen pushes the rentals on. The old owner doesnt want to deal with those bastards.it should be covered in the sales contract. If the new owner agreed to take over rental.. it's theirs... If they didn't... It's the old owner's problem.