Watch out for this guy....

Have you Goggled him? I find him living in Bolton and he works for Porter Airlines... might want to check Porter and serve him at work ;)
Toysareforboys and Xtina Part 2.

I guess you dated the guy?
You can try any Ontario Provincial Bailiff. They can skip trace and serve. They are privately hired by are provincially appointed to enforce laws.

Or check a Private Investigation Company. They do Skip Tracing All the Time.
Thanks for all the info its much appreciated.
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Just sell the debt to one of the boys.. done deal... and let them collect... and collect,, and collect ,,
Just sell the debt to one of the boys.. done deal... and let them collect... and collect,, and collect ,,

What boys?

Amazing that cops won't do anything about it, tell them that he touched your kid inappropriately and see how fast they'll have him in jail without proof in a jimeney.
What boys?

Amazing that cops won't do anything about it, tell them that he touched your kid inappropriately and see how fast they'll have him in jail without proof in a jimeney.

Thats because cops have better things to do then to screw around with civil lawsuits.
What boys?

, tell them that he touched your kid inappropriately and see how fast they'll have him in jail without proof in a jimeney.

Ya...great idea... sued for libel, defamation, perjury, slander
Thats because cops have better things to do then to screw around with civil lawsuits.

Like set up speed traps?
OP you should be able to get a lien on his bike if you have a judgement and court order to pay.
A collection agency can grab his property.

In addition a paper trail to Porter Airlines will shake things up.
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