
We keep a Blue Jay feeder at the edge of our property, it attracts a lot of Blue Jays and woodpeckers. Fill it with cheap peanuts and you'll have no wasps.

Blue Jays and Woodies rip the nests open to get the larvae, wasps don't much care for that.
IPM is a good responsible choice and products like soapy water or diatomaceous earth.
Could be worse............... Guy on another forum lives in Arizona where they have Tarantula Hawk wasps.

This was his post..................................

On the way home from getting a subway sandwich, while riding my CT125 trail bike, I saw a glimpse of black and red before it hit me directly in the throat.

For a brief moment, I thought, please don’t let that be a tarantula hawk….then the reality set in as it stung me just above my collar bone!

They are not joking when they say it hurts so bad that you loose the ability to walk!

Got off the bike, beat my chest like a gorilla, then fell down, in a world of pain.

So dizzy I was unable to stand or walk for about five minutes!
Could be worse............... Guy on another forum lives in Arizona where they have Tarantula Hawk wasps.

Well. That Wikipedia link is some lovely nightmare fuel. I sincerely hope these bad boys and girls stay in Arizona, unlike some of the other bugs that seem to be creeping further and further north...
Could be worse............... Guy on another forum lives in Arizona where they have Tarantula Hawk wasps.

This was his post..................................

On the way home from getting a subway sandwich, while riding my CT125 trail bike, I saw a glimpse of black and red before it hit me directly in the throat.

For a brief moment, I thought, please don’t let that be a tarantula hawk….then the reality set in as it stung me just above my collar bone!

They are not joking when they say it hurts so bad that you loose the ability to walk!

Got off the bike, beat my chest like a gorilla, then fell down, in a world of pain.

So dizzy I was unable to stand or walk for about five minutes!
Been stung by a spider wasp that I stepped on with bare feet. Like most wasp stings, the pain from the sting goes away after 10 minutes - the pain from that sting knocked me to the ground. Quite a bit of swelling follows.

Not a recommended experience.
Look what I found....

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I found one too.... on my street


How long does it take for something like this to "grow"?

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