Warning: Bank Machines can't accurately count the new $20 bills

I noticed this yesterday. Withdrew $120 for a metro pass and immediately had trouble counting it. Then counting it again at the TTC booth the collector mentioned that it's not just me having trouble.
This is a poor excuse...... why "wait" for something to be old, ruffled so it can be easier to handle when the old generation was easy to handle and had no counting/machinery problems right out of the printing machine.

And it isn't just a firmware update, they have to be configured (and some machines can't be..... banks had to buy new bill counters). And even if they knew the bills were coming for a long time, they wouldn't have known how they would react in the machines until they were released in mass.

The manufacturers and vendors of these machines have had access to the design for a long time for exactly this purpose. They would have had access since the bills were announced, which was almost two years before public circulation started.

Australia has been using polymer bills since 1992 and they seem to be doing just fine...
Australia has been using polymer bills since 1992 and they seem to be doing just fine...

But their polymer is a single piece and doesn't have the clear plastic strip 3/4 into the bill, braille or three different textures on the bill itself. It's a polymer, but a single piece that doesn't change terrain.

Besides, who ever followed what Australians did? If everyone did then we wouldn't have anyone racing in the Moto GP in 2013 :P (Stoner Zing!).
I do not even remember the last time I used any folding money. Coins a few times for some parking, but bills? I can probably count the number of times I have used paper money on 2 hands in the last 3 years.
I do not even remember the last time I used any folding money. Coins a few times for some parking, but bills? I can probably count the number of times I have used paper money on 2 hands in the last 3 years.

Interac ftw
Think of the black market please people. We have to eat too, you know.
The new bills seem very similar to the ones I used in Australia and New Zealand. I wonder if they made the new canadian bills different enough to be causing problems. My first impression of the plastic bills down south was: "we need these in Canada."
Just an update: after exactly 14 days from the incident (10-11 business days), I have the money back into my account.

Funny, but I accidentally forgot the decimal point once while depositing my paycheque (effectively making a 6 figure deposit) and didn't notice, as I was in a hurry. It sure as hell didn't take the bank 14 days to fix the error.
Funny, but I accidentally forgot the decimal point once while depositing my paycheque (effectively making a 6 figure deposit) and didn't notice, as I was in a hurry. It sure as hell didn't take the bank 14 days to fix the error.

I've done the same thing... angry phone call helped this time.

I mostly use CC and pay them off quickly (limit on debit transactions, and easier to manage for me), but I needed cash in that instance to buy tire warmers and other bits at the bike show :p
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