how come?
When a buyer sees a bike thats been painted, the thought that its been crashed most often comes to mind.
how come?
Mine actually turned out really well but I wasn't kidding on the few months...
Yeah, kinda but not really...
If she can have the shop vouch for her come time to sell, or give her an invoice stating what work was done, it should be fine.
As the OP already mentioned, she plans on keeping the bike for a few more years so for her it might be worth the drop in resale value (if any) vs. what she likes/prefers.
Maybe a vinyl wrap would have been a good idea? They look amazing these days and can be peeled away should you want to return to original....
Who does it in GTA? And what is approximate cost?
Don't do a vinyl wrap. It scratches easily and is priced similar to painting.
Time to whip out the famous $50 paint job!
Wow, I am so trying that on something!
That's exactly what I thought when I first saw that years ago... so I did my lawnmower lol