Well-known member
No, thank you...
It has the potential to be a slippery slope. Say 5% of the people today get it and that slowly grows to 30% or more in the near future based on "lower" rates. Then the feature will not be a money "saver" anymore, instead they crank the rates for those without it then hit 50% or more penetration, then they crank them even more.... Until 10 years from now it is near impossible to get insurance without it and the people that have it are paying like everyone pays today (no discount).
Tie this into an Ontario government (well not just Ontario to be fair) that bleeds money and they will see the above and think CASH COW, hey lets double duty the device and have it as a tracking for tolls, tolls per km on any road. Make it a requirement to have said device and then it makes it easier for the insurance companies to make access to it mandatory as well. Next you will get speeding tickets based on what the device records...
It is all a slippery slope if it gets any traction.