Want lower insurance? Let them track you.


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With an eye to calibrating insurance rates, Saskatchewan Government Insurance plans to use new technology to track how fast and how far motorycles go.
It's called telematics and someday could be used to help set insurance rates.
For now, SGI is just trying the technology out with a pilot program.
It's looking for several hundred motorcycle users to volunteer to have their bikes equipped with telematics technology. The gadgets would record speed, braking, mileage and location.
The volunteer riders would have weekly updates on their driving behaviour, to show them what information SGI would be looking at.
"Usage-based insurance is the ultimate in rating fairness because it essentially lets the driver control their own insurance rate through their driving behaviour," the minister responsible for SGI, Donna Harpauer, said in a news release. "Simply put, those who drive responsibly pay less and those who don't pay more."
However, no one's rates will be affected by the pilot program, the company says.
Review committee approved tracking idea

The experiment is one of the ideas coming out of the Motorcycle Review Committee.
That group formed in the wake of a storm of controversy over proposed motorcycle rate increases.
SGI had proposed boosting motorcycle rates an average of 75 per cent to compensate for high injury claims. The company said that car drivers' insurance premiums were essentially subsidizing motorcycle riders and a "rebalancing" was needed.
After there was a huge outcry from riders, Premier Brad Wall got involved.
Government-owned SGI later withdrew its proposal and came back with some milder proposed increases for motorbikes.
The telematics pilot program could begin as early as this season, SGI says.
Uh-oh....here we go
I can't think of anyone in their right mind who would volunteer for such a thing.
I can't think of anyone in their right mind who would volunteer for such a thing.

I can think of a few people but this is a slippery slope and it's not like anyone's insurance will actually go down a significant amount. You'll save a little if you drive at the speed limit to and from the grocery store once a week and park the rest of the time. Other than that you're going to get bent over and ummm... penetrated. :rolleyes:
This is so sad that somebody could even float this idea with a straight face.
Isn't this exactly what Desjardin's Adjusto that they've been advertising like crazy lately is for auto insurance? It is already in Ontario.

There is not a chance I would do it. I don't even drive my car much, but I don't need them charging me extra for driving at the wrong time of day or stopping suddenly.
this would only make sense if you were a high risk or new driver if they offered reasonable rates for being tracked.

i don't see the the chance of saving 25% being enough to be tracked.
There will be ways to circumvent it. I can see the kijiji ads already. Mature riders on those overgrown scooter things offering to hook up other people's transponders on their (quasi) bikes for a monthly fee. Aftermarket Faraday cages. The possibilities are endless.
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Can I choose a time & place where I get tracked?
Can I choose a time & place where I get tracked?

From the garage to the end of the block and back in rush hour traffic?? :D

Thi is absurd. If it was a way for young kids to get a break on insurance ok but it's just another control tactic by the insurance companies looking for just another way to stick in your *** without lube.
Isn't this exactly what Desjardin's Adjusto that they've been advertising like crazy lately is for auto insurance? It is already in Ontario.

There is not a chance I would do it. I don't even drive my car much, but I don't need them charging me extra for driving at the wrong time of day or stopping suddenly.

holy crap. im with them and i didn't even know this existed. i wouldn't save anything under there categories though.... in fact they probably bs me into paying higher.
I know a guy at work that is so by the books, that he would do this without blinking... Scary.

I don't need to be tracked any more than I already am.
In a 100% perfect world maybe (but then we wouldn't even need insurance) -- I'm willing to bet anyone who gets this installed saves say 10% up front, then gets hit with a 20% increase because 'they pass too many times' or some other bs.

Also for those who get them and try to circumvent, if the system has to be in constant communication with 'home base' and you block it, congrats they know exactly what you are doing (or you live and commute solely underground or in a tunnel). Installing it on some else if found out would likely be deemed insurance fraud, then good luck ever getting insurance (or a non-insane) rate every again...
I'd say yes to being tracked, if i can put the tracking device in my retired next door neighbor's car.
I'd get black listed/red flaged withing a day
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It has the potential to be a slippery slope. Say 5% of the people today get it and that slowly grows to 30% or more in the near future based on "lower" rates. Then the feature will not be a money "saver" anymore, instead they crank the rates for those without it then hit 50% or more penetration, then they crank them even more.... Until 10 years from now it is near impossible to get insurance without it and the people that have it are paying like everyone pays today (no discount).

Tie this into an Ontario government (well not just Ontario to be fair) that bleeds money and they will see the above and think CASH COW, hey lets double duty the device and have it as a tracking for tolls, tolls per km on any road. Make it a requirement to have said device and then it makes it easier for the insurance companies to make access to it mandatory as well. Next you will get speeding tickets based on what the device records...

It is all a slippery slope if it gets any traction.
There will be ways to circumvent it. I can see the kijiji ads already. Mature riders on those overgrown scooter things offering to hook up other people's transponders on their (quasi) bikes for a monthly fee. .

Hello, Mr FullMotoJacket? This is slimeball insurance company calling about your GPS transponder. It seems that while your speed is generally well within the legal limits it does appear that you spend a considerable amount of time driving through parks and on the sidewalks. As per your policy your rates will be increasing a small amount to $8756 per year. Thank you for your time.
Hello, Mr FullMotoJacket? This is slimeball insurance company calling about your GPS transponder. It seems that while your speed is generally well within the legal limits it does appear that you spend a considerable amount of time driving through parks and on the sidewalks. As per your policy your rates will be increasing a small amount to $8756 per year. Thank you for your time.

I was referring to those (licensed) 250cc and up barca lounger things, but thanks.
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This will happen across the board. It is one of these slow burn industry type deals.
They will float it to the Government and people as a way to improve safety and "reducing" rates.

If any of you believe that the Insurance companies are doing anything for your betterment then you are just stupid.
They have one single purpose, get the most money from you and give you the least possible.

Ten years from now these tracking things will be common place. Hell I can see the Insurance companies lobbying the Government to make the equipment standard in cars sold here.
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