Walking Dead (Spoliers)

Re: Walking Dead

Where survival training is concerned I've got you beat, hands down. I survived Flemingdon Park, from ages 5 through 7.

LMAO! We could play this game all day. No clue what Flemingdon Park is. But I was rural enough that if you hardly drove 15 min out of town any emergency hospital trips were handled by helicopter. We already were 60min away from the local hospital. Guns weren't an issue, bears and cougars were. And a fun bear encounter was determined by whether your spotted momma or baby first.
Re: Walking Dead

LMAO! We could play this game all day. No clue what Flemingdon Park is. But I was rural enough that if you hardly drove 15 min out of town any emergency hospital trips were handled by helicopter. We already were 60min away from the local hospital. Guns weren't an issue, bears and cougars were. And a fun bear encounter was determined by whether your spotted momma or baby first.


Take a drive through sometime, but keep your windows rolled up ;)
Re: Walking Dead


Take a drive through sometime, but keep your windows rolled up ;)

LOL not scared. You hurt a person and he/she slows down. Hurt an animal and it keeps going full force until its dead. Difference between being driven by instinct or purpose.
Zombies would fall under the animal but the people in that area are not.
Re: Walking Dead

You havent seen the show.... they call the zombies 'walkers'.

Not even going to link the quote from Frank Darabont

You're right I haven't seen the show and the zombies are the Walkers
Re: Walking Dead

When zombie apocalypse hits Markham I'm raiding LeBaron and scooting over to Costco to lock myself in.

You and everyone else. The owner will probably get there first and will be shooting looters from his rooftop :)

The time to prepare is before Z-day hits.
Re: Walking Dead

^^ Yup... SHTF and those sort of places are the last place you wanna be. Cuz, everyone else and their grandmother will have the same idea....Zombie central....all the guns and ammo arent gonna help you when you're shooting not only at Z's but other people as well.
Re: Walking Dead

Anyone watch tonight? I have it on now...looks like a good one so far. I love Daryl!!
Re: Walking Dead

Watched it tonight. Nothing special happening so far. Kinda confuse why they save the kid and they want to kill him now.

They should've just killed him in the 1st place. Save them alot of trouble. That kid is up to no good
Re: Walking Dead

I'll bet Merle's brother is with the other group of survivors and there will be a showdown when they all meet. Merle will be forced to choose a side, his own kin or the community he is now a part of.
I'll bet Merle's brother is with the other group of survivors and there will be a showdown when they all meet. Merle will be forced to choose a side, his own kin or the community he is now a part of.

You mean merle is with the bandit group. Daryl is with this group
Re: Walking Dead

Watched it tonight. Nothing special happening so far. Kinda confuse why they save the kid and they want to kill him now.

They should've just killed him in the 1st place. Save them alot of trouble. That kid is up to no good

Rick didn't want to kill him in cold blood if they could save him, and turn him loose without putting the group at risk but, when they found out that he knew where the farm was, they couldn't let him go.
Re: Walking Dead

It's not a bad show, but I think they're on the right track with season 2. Season 1 was just a mess of characters and whenever one got killed off, the reaction was "meh" as they didn't take the time to develop them. I agree that the search for Sophia took a little too long, but that's my only complaint with Season 2. Note for the survivalists: suppressed .22LR (subsonic rounds) with red dot FTW. When on sale, ammo can be like $0.02 per round, it's already quiet and when you put a suppressor on, it'll be whisperin', and red dot means easier target acquisition, while not killing the battery as bad as holo sights :cool:
Re: Walking Dead

It's not a bad show, but I think they're on the right track with season 2. Season 1 was just a mess of characters and whenever one got killed off, the reaction was "meh" as they didn't take the time to develop them. I agree that the search for Sophia took a little too long, but that's my only complaint with Season 2. Note for the survivalists: suppressed .22LR (subsonic rounds) with red dot FTW. When on sale, ammo can be like $0.02 per round, it's already quiet and when you put a suppressor on, it'll be whisperin', and red dot means easier target acquisition, while not killing the battery as bad as holo sights :cool:

All well and good, if they ever figure out that shooting them in the head is the way to go. Otherwise a .22LR isn't going to slow a walking meatbag down, a whole lot.
Carl the son needs a good smack. That walker wouldn't of killed dale if he just manned up and told some one about the walker.
Re: Walking Dead

Sweet, that old pacifist was starting to grate on my nerves. Now, all we need is for Carl to get eaten, that little s.o.b. is making want to punch him in the ovaries...

And to Retro - on snap man, that's a good call on Merle being the leader of that other group...hadn't even crossed my mind!
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