Walking a motorcycle on a sidewalk

Buy old Bronco (OJ Simpson Style baby!) and install a Cow Catcher. Have a megaphone announcing you'll be pushing through the blockade and anyone or anything in the way will be hurt and/or destroyed by your awesomenss.

Make sure the police chase after is super EPIC!!!
In an ideal world we wouldn't need unions. My wife works for a reasonable company that treats their workers well, with respect and very fairly and there's no union. If I had no union where I work I would be out many thousands of dollars as I was told I could not do more work somewhere else to make a living wage due to conflicts of interest. There weren't any conflicts and the union stepped in to correct this for me and forced an apology from my employer. Now fast forward and the employer is continually trying to get more for less. Without a union they would get their way...with a union there's checks and balances.

Yes, some unions can abuse what they were set up to do..just look at British Leyland in the UK..or not, as they aren't around anymore mainly because of unions.
The union at York is cross-checking into the boards students who have no part in the union's dispute with the university. Where is the balance in that?

It's the last effort to make people understand a situation that causes undue hardship and to try to remedy the situation. I'm pretty sure that nearly everyone on the picket line would rather be doing what they normally do and being able to earn a liveable wage.
So for people to understand their undue hardship, they are willing to cause undue hardship to thousands of people who have no say in it whatsoever, other than, being the people who provide those jobs to the TAs? Did i get that right? People who may loose their actual, real-world jobs cuz of these dip *****, they gonna have union protect them while they picket?

I really dont remember being a TA was meant to provide a liveable wage. Last time i checked, it was a good way to earn extra $$ as you do your post graduate degree. Being a TA limits your hours to 10 hours a week and forbids you from having another job? So ****ing quit, and get a job in the real world.

**** this world is entitled.

Whats next? The burger flipper at McD's will want a liveable wage in T.O....oh wait...

It's the last effort to make people understand a situation that causes undue hardship and to try to remedy the situation. I'm pretty sure that nearly everyone on the picket line would rather be doing what they normally do and being able to earn a liveable wage.
It's the last effort to make people understand a situation that causes undue hardship and to try to remedy the situation. I'm pretty sure that nearly everyone on the picket line would rather be doing what they normally do and being able to earn a liveable wage.

A livable wage? Define that please. How does anyone justify demands for a livable wage in exchange for part-time work that pays in excess of $42 per hour?
It's the last effort to make people understand a situation that causes undue hardship and to try to remedy the situation. I'm pretty sure that nearly everyone on the picket line would rather be doing what they normally do and being able to earn a liveable wage.

I would expect that if they wanted to get back to work, then perhaps more than 30% of the members would have come out to vote.

There's a lot going on here. Sessional instructors are frequently hard done by. They don't really have stable schedules, term to term, and so have difficulty planning their lives. TAs are a bit of a different story. I keep hearing about their "annual wage", but few bother to mention the hours that they work for that wage. The amount of hours that they can work are capped at a pretty low number, so the hourly equivalent wage is incredibly high.
My wife is a contract instructor for a few universities. As someone else quoted above: more than half of the classes at "most" universities are taught by contract staff, not tenured (or even tenure-track) professors. In one way this isn't a bad thing as some of the best research professors are some of the worst teachers of their subject (they just work on a different level and can't communicate that to students). In other ways this is a huge cost savings for the universities: why pay full pop for a professor when someone will do it under contract for less with no guarantees? The entire system is breaking down because there are more people who want the work, with less positions available. Some of the best instructors I know have left academia to work in private industry because they can't make ends meet while teaching under short term contracts. Which is a shame, because the future students are the ones losing out.

I am neither completely for or against unions, but I tend to come down on the "against" side more often than not. But given the opportunity I will play devil's advocate and argue for them if the situation calls for it (ie. anyone taking too firm a stance). My opinion: unions have their place, and this is one of them. The universities in question hold most (read: all) the cards and they are running like businesses. Which is okay, but they will have to negotiate with their labour like businesses then, and not rely on the government to legislate their decisions away. From what I understand, the universities want the financial freedom of a private business with the benefits and support of a publicly funded entity. Which is admirable, but not likely. They can't have it both ways in my mind.

This is a complex problem that can't be addressed with either a pro-union of anti-union stance. Contract teachers are in a tough place where the economics of their industry are working against them. Universities have allowed their administration costs to more than double in the last 10 years. The York and U of T TA's are asking for "living wages" for 10 hours of work per week and the one spokes-person who ended up on TV makes $80+ k per year - not exactly the best PR strategy. I hope that this situation is allowed to play out for the sake of both the contract teachers and the students. I don't feel the universities involved are correct and the TA's and contract staff are not correct either, but an agreement will have to be made. If not, then the post-secondary education system in our country will continue to collapse and all the non-STEM (science technology engineering and math) degrees will continue to be devalued. It is already tough for arts majors to find work based on their degrees, in many cases the degrees aren't worth it.


Now I understand the ins and outs of the situation finally.

Just ride it on the sidewalk. They will move.
It would be pretty obvious to know what time you'll be crossing the picket line because of you'll have the schedule every week.

They'll easily have TPS waiting for you.


HTA 150(2) Pass — off roadway: $85.00 + 3 demerit points

I'm pretty sure TPS will get a lot more creative in order to send a message, maybe Dangerous/Careless Driving. Possibly Stunt Driving just an excuse to take the bike away.


Shoreham Dr, The Pond Rd & Sentinel Rd are owned by the City of Toronto; classiified as minor arterial roads, so the HTA definitely applies.
"idiots that drag their *****(they only last a short while and get sent back to the hall when the foreman doesnt need the extra hands on site)."

These chumps are protected as well and get passed onto the next unwitting company. Not good housekeeping.

Union protection doesn't work for every business. Union workers should think very hard about whether their job can be done elsewhere by someone less privileged. York U vs on-line education????

Thats what I already said, its not a perfect system, but they are trying to get only good workers. Those lazy guys just keep going through the cycle, nothing you can do about it when a whole company gets unionized.

Doesnt york U go on strike for something every 5 years?

China always wins, people are too cheap to pay the extra $ to keep jobs in their own backyards + corporations always need to increase their bottom line, its just the nature of the world we live in.

Job security? thats why i work in construction, cant really ship buildings and sections of canada back to china for assembly. only thing i have to fear is a growing government that wants to break up all the unions.
China always wins, people are too cheap to pay the extra $ to keep jobs in their own backyards + corporations always need to increase their bottom line, its just the nature of the world we live in.

Job security? thats why i work in construction, cant really ship buildings and sections of canada back to china for assembly. only thing i have to fear is a growing government that wants to break up all the unions.

I had to chuckle a bit as we were discussing warranties yesterday. I service heating cables (Snow melted ramps) and one company has a 25 year warranty but the trick is that in the event of a failure you have to return the cable to their factory for evaluation. Can you imagine trying to ship a 200 square foot slab of concrete to China?

Job security is a relevant concept.


How much of your job could be affected by the above or below?


Did you know that the first Burlington Bridge was largely assembled off site and barged into place?
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Did you know that the first Burlington Bridge was largely assembled off site and barged into place?

I did not! ...

Did you know they build a lot of bridges that way... Confederate Bridge to PEI... The Bridge over 401 that was put in place overnight,,,

Did you know a lot of Sky Dome was built off site and shipped to site?

Did you know the Factory in Cambridge, Milton, Stouffville, that built houses .. and "moved" them to site..
they didn't need trades to build the house... just lower paid factory assembly line folks ..

just sayin.... a good wage for good trained skilled work is a respectable goal... but the world is finding ways to make everything cheaper and easier ,,
Thats what I already said, its not a perfect system, but they are trying to get only good workers. Those lazy guys just keep going through the cycle, nothing you can do about it when a whole company gets unionized.

Doesnt york U go on strike for something every 5 years?

China always wins, people are too cheap to pay the extra $ to keep jobs in their own backyards + corporations always need to increase their bottom line, its just the nature of the world we live in.

Job security? thats why i work in construction, cant really ship buildings and sections of canada back to china for assembly. only thing i have to fear is a growing government that wants to break up all the unions.

TFW. They bring them here.
It would be pretty obvious to know what time you'll be crossing the picket line because of you'll have the schedule every week.

They'll easily have TPS waiting for you.


HTA 150(2) Pass — off roadway: $85.00 + 3 demerit points

I'm pretty sure TPS will get a lot more creative in order to send a message, maybe Dangerous/Careless Driving. Possibly Stunt Driving just an excuse to take the bike away.


Shoreham Dr, The Pond Rd & Sentinel Rd are owned by the City of Toronto; classiified as minor arterial roads, so the HTA definitely applies.

I thought we agreed that unions have no right to block the access. Calling TPS would backfire then on them, no?
I did not! ...

Did you know they build a lot of bridges that way... Confederate Bridge to PEI... The Bridge over 401 that was put in place overnight,,,

Did you know a lot of Sky Dome was built off site and shipped to site?

Did you know the Factory in Cambridge, Milton, Stouffville, that built houses .. and "moved" them to site..
they didn't need trades to build the house... just lower paid factory assembly line folks ..

just sayin.... a good wage for good trained skilled work is a respectable goal... but the world is finding ways to make everything cheaper and easier ,,

I thought the Cambridge house factory was shut down and I can't find anything current on other factory built houses. The article you link to is from 2008. I did some service work on the Cambridge building and it was impressive to see the houses on steel I beams waiting to be shipped out.

I was hoping to see one being moved but it never worked out. The ultimate RV, two story, three bedroom with 1 1/2 baths and a hot tub.

re the Burlington bridge, it caught the other bidders off guard. One of those "Why didn't we think of that" moments.

Bigger and better cranes, CAD, laser measurement etc. All good but were do the jobs go?
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