.So I contact Dalton-Timmins about insuring a 1981 motorcycle that I've just purchased. Their first quote comes in at over $1100 a year, which is double what I'm paying now for basic on my 2006 KLR with Desjardin.
When I remind the agent that I'm looking for VINTAGE insurance, not regular use he drops that to $588 a year. When I ask if I can waive the collision/comprehensive he says no, its a mandatory part of the package.
For something that's going to see less than 2,000kms a year this is ridiculous - anyone have any other suggestions ?
@TK4 call John Duffy insurance brokers. I have my old bikes with them.
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Dalton Timmis will only give you vintage insurance if you also insure your house and car with them.
Not true, I have Aviva vintage insurance on my '77 R60/7 with no other policy. Brokered by Dalton Timmins (now NFP). Unless something has changed in the last three years. Paid around $400 for the year when renewed last June.
April 2018 was when I requested a quote, and received this: "I have attached two quotes for you, one is a stand alone motorcycle and the other is a vintage quote . If you wanted to proceed with the vintage quote I would need to insure your home and auto as well."
Do you have an old bike that is valued for crazy money and you ride it only at vintage meets? Then you want vintage motorcycle insurance maybe.Weird, I guess that is a new policy then.
Who's your insurer that does this? I searched high and low and couldn't find anyone that would do it. This is exactly what I need.
Do you have an old bike that is valued for crazy money and you ride it only at vintage meets? Then you want vintage motorcycle insurance maybe.
They are going to pad your house insurance to cover the bike and they might also demand an appraisal, but who really knows what an insurance policy actually covers and costs until you already got screwed by em.