Video game recommendations

wow unless I missed it nobody has mentioned Battlefield 3. If you're in to shooters that actually require team work and also the ability to use vehicles - tanks/helicopters/jets/etc. look no further!

Graphics are outstanding as well!
I'm playing through Ghost Recon Future Soldier right now on the PS3.. it's pretty good. If you pick it up, let me know and we can try our hand at co-op
Bioshock series is excellent as well (didn't notice if anyone posted that)
One other game worth mentioning is the prequel to one of my favorite PC games of all times, Deus Ex. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is pretty damn good. Not QUITE as good as the original (a little too linear for my tastes, especially when it comes to upgrading your character) but over all it is a worthy prequel, with excellent story and game play.

OH, and I just picked up Mass Effect 2 and started playing it.
Just got through the god of war series.

Pretty fun game if you like greek mythology :).
Bioshock series is excellent as well (didn't notice if anyone posted that)

+ 1. Call me a wuss, but those games genuinely spook me out. :confused2:
Borderlands, Just Cause 2, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Red Facton, Need for speed,
I play PS 3 so..... If you have an x-box, some might not be availible for it.
Or can't forget HAWX and Ace Combat for flight sim.
Combing through to see games that haven't been mentioned yet, without being able to flip through what I have at home...

ICO & Shadows Of The Colossus were re-made for PS3 ... together they were some of my favourite PS2 games ever. The PS3 has a lot of interesting indie games available, like Journey.

XBOX360 ... Mirror's Edge was good, but not to everyone's liking. You can pick it up super cheap these days. Red Dead Redemption I also thought was pretty slick. Bastion is a great indie game.
wow unless I missed it nobody has mentioned Battlefield 3. If you're in to shooters that actually require team work and also the ability to use vehicles - tanks/helicopters/jets/etc. look no further!

Graphics are outstanding as well!

On computer yea console wise the game looks like its being played on playstation 1:mad:
Red Dead Redemption + Undead DLC
HAWX (if you like flight arcade games)
Dirt 3 :) love it.

question for borderland players, how does the health system work? is there health regen, or does it depend on potions/healthpacks/stim-like packs?
Left 4 Dead 2. I'm not a gamer but I really enjoy this game on PC (avail on xbox 360 too). The online co-op campaign modes are really fun but there are also versus and other game modes if you're in the mood. Each campaign is fairly short--about an hour--and doesn't require a lot of time commitment. So it's easy to pick up and complete a campaign while waiting for a buddy to come over, girlfriend/wife getting ready, etc.
Thanks everyone for the uncharted kick in the pants. I'd gotten stuck on 1 in the vault last December and other games caught my attention. Brought it up to the cottage for a boys weekend and got unstuck and with a very late night we finished the game. It was awesome - onto 2 and 3 is waiting in the wings.

I'll be sure to check out all the other suggestions.
Thanks everyone for the uncharted kick in the pants. I'd gotten stuck on 1 in the vault last December and other games caught my attention. Brought it up to the cottage for a boys weekend and got unstuck and with a very late night we finished the game. It was awesome - onto 2 and 3 is waiting in the wings.

I'll be sure to check out all the other suggestions.

Two is just as good as one and dare i say the third one is just as good if not better than the first two...its rare that a game keeps getting better.

and just so you know, The Last of Us uses the same engine as Uncharted and the same company is developing it, so you know its gonna kick ***!
Red Dead Redemption + Undead DLC
HAWX (if you like flight arcade games)
Dirt 3 :) love it.

question for borderland players, how does the health system work? is there health regen, or does it depend on potions/healthpacks/stim-like packs?

It depends on which character you're using. You can use your perks so that with every kill you get, will regen health. You can buy "transfusion" grenades which take health from NPC enemies and give it to you. You can buy health packs. My advice is get a really good shield and shoot from behind cover. The shield regenerates when you're not under fire.
Don't forget Rock Band for parties. That thing is a must have for party entertainment!
It depends on which character you're using. You can use your perks so that with every kill you get, will regen health. You can buy "transfusion" grenades which take health from NPC enemies and give it to you. You can buy health packs. My advice is get a really good shield and shoot from behind cover. The shield regenerates when you're not under fire.

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