Video game recommendations


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Does anyone have any game recommendations? (ps3 or xbox360)

I'm a bit of an older fart, and only recently got into the newer systems (first system was an intellivision, and still have my SNES at the cottage), but have been enjoying what I've played. Right now I'm out of games, so curious for any 'must buy' suggestions.

I've played all the modern warfare / battlefield / medal of honour games and enjoyed them all. At the moment I'm more of a campaign-mode guy as I always get my butt handed to me in multiplayer. I liked the 3 gears of war - just recently finished Crysis 1 & 2 & Halo Reach. Portal 2 - that was cool.

I typically buy used to keep the cost down, and since I'm new at this there are plenty of 'older' games that I'd still enjoy, but there's just so many to choose from.

Any suggestions?
PS3 + Assassin's Creed.

Done and done. You're welcome.

Start with 1, then work your way onto 2, then 3.

Also Batman:Arkam Asylum is pretty good too. Right up your alley.
Depends on what platform... iv got a xbox 360 and and i like to play online o i usually play Call of duty ,Forza 4, and a little bit of hockey. For offline i would suggest games like Fallout,Skyrim.GTA:D, I'm currently playing Moto gp 09.
I'm a big fan of the Saints row series. Saints Row 2 isn't too pretty but it's a blast to play. Saints Row 3 is much better to look at and just about as much fun to play
Dont play much during spring/summer .. but come winter the PS3 gets a workout.

Call of Duty seems to get my attention, along with the Need for Speed series.
I'm a bit behind the latest video game trends, but I'm really digging LA Noire right now for my Xbox360. It's not your typical Grand Theft Auto game - there's a LOT of story and not nearly as much action, but the graphics and details will just blow you away.

I also picked up UFC Unleashed (the first one) in a bargain bin for $10 and I'm really enjoying it. The controls take some time to learn, but after a bit of practice it's highly satisfying kicking the crap out of George St Pierre with my own made-up fighter...

OH! And my favourite games in YEARS.....Portal 2. Everyone *must* play this game.
Saints row is fun to play but to arcadey and to ****** up lol alot of wierd stuff in that game compared to GTA.
PS3 + Assassin's Creed.

Done and done. You're welcome.

Start with 1, then work your way onto 2, then 3.

Also Batman:Arkam Asylum is pretty good too. Right up your alley.

Yeah, pretty much agree with these. AC 1 is fun and AC2 improves it and is amazing. AC Brotherhood was ok. Not AS good as 2 story wise but still fun. Actually haven't played Arkham Asylum but Arkham City was excellent and I played the crap out of it.

Of course you should play all the Uncharted games also. I played through all 3 and they're fun.
+1 for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, also honorable mentions go out to Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy. Also, if you have an apple, Angry Birds Seasons is free this week. So much fun!
+1 for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, also honorable mentions go out to Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy. Also, if you have an apple, Angry Birds Seasons is free this week. So much fun!

TT is for PS2.....I bought the game a while back thinking my PS3 was backwards compatible only to discover it wasn't. :( If anyone has a PS2 and wants it, bring me a 6 pack and it's yours.
TT is for PS2.....I bought the game a while back thinking my PS3 was backwards compatible only to discover it wasn't. :( If anyone has a PS2 and wants it, bring me a 6 pack and it's yours.

Oh you are right, I just checked and the game I was playing is actually called "Moto GP" - my mistake!
If you're into big open-world RPGs, the Fallout series, and the Elder Scrolls series are both top notch, and should occupy you for months. Uncharted series is excellent. Mass Effect 1-3 and Dragon Age 1 and 2, someone already said Assassin's Creed. God of War 1-3, Demon's Souls (dirty difficult), Ace Combat are some good ones as well.

RTS games: Civilization II, III, IV, V (hours upon hours per game, turn based), Command & Conquer, Warcraft III if you're into Fantasy. (all PC but very easy on requirements)

I'm not into FPS games so I'm no help there :p

Can't believe I forgot GTA: IV
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For Ps3 - I liked Army of 2, Resident Evil, Borderlands, Resistance, Turok, oh and Guitar Hero :D
Halflife orange box should be cheap and is a classic. I like the grand theft auto games for the sheer drunken pleasure of seeing how many cops I can get to chase me while mugging grannies and hookers. The fallout games are great and all the uncharted games too.

Ps...I'm also an older fart and grew up playing doom.
Max Payne 3 was quite a bit of fun

Dead Island - first person zombie shooter heavily based on melee combat

Skyrim - if you wanna give up months of your life and things like eating, sleeping, etc
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