Here's the situtation. Incident #1 A few weeks back I passed a number of vehicles including this coworker (guy#1). When I pass, I typically pass how ever many cars then get back into the lane of travel. At this point I was behind this coworker (guy #1). I typically wait to see what the driver in front of me is going to do. If it appears they dropped the ball and are making no move to pass, I will seize the opportunity and pass. This coworker came up to me the next day ranting how I ride in the blind spot, blah blah. Incident #2 I was using my car and I see this coworker (guy #1) behind me with a flashing green light. Yes, I didn't know what the hell it was. I was also travelling at a 100 kph on 80 highway. Pushing the bounds of police tolerance. The next day he ranted on me about not pulling over as if this green light gave him special rights on the road which it does not. Incident #3 (today) he ranted on me about something at the start of the day and I said I didn't know what he was talking about. He ranted how he was going to run me off the road. I said FU and you better make sure I am down as I will be coming for u.
After work guy #1 waited along with this guy #2. Guy #1 cut in front of me and turned out of the company parking lot. After seeing what direction I was going guy #1 did a u turn and followed. I knew he was following and proceded to ride with apprehension and caution. At some point guy #1 passed me and I became boxed in by guy #1 and guy #2. Guy #2 drove close and was tailgating. Guy #1 drove in an erratic manner, speeding up and slowing down. At one point he gestured me to pull over, naturally I refused. We came up to a stop sign, he was stopped and I came behind Guy #1. While stopped Guy #1 deliberately backed up, seeing this I used my feet to roll back. It came to a point I could not roll back as Guy #2 was behind me. Guy #1 kept reversing and crashed into my bike and damaged my fender. Afterward he drove off: a hit and run situation. After getting through the intersection of stop signs, I pulled over to inspect the damage done to my bike. Guy #2 drove on by. Aside from a piece broken off my fender my bike is ok. Eventually, I caught up to Guy #2 and he attempted to do a fake right to bait me into passing him. I am not sure what his intentions were.
At the very least I have to report this to the company HR.
I want my fender fixed and these guys need to be held to account.
What would you do?
After work guy #1 waited along with this guy #2. Guy #1 cut in front of me and turned out of the company parking lot. After seeing what direction I was going guy #1 did a u turn and followed. I knew he was following and proceded to ride with apprehension and caution. At some point guy #1 passed me and I became boxed in by guy #1 and guy #2. Guy #2 drove close and was tailgating. Guy #1 drove in an erratic manner, speeding up and slowing down. At one point he gestured me to pull over, naturally I refused. We came up to a stop sign, he was stopped and I came behind Guy #1. While stopped Guy #1 deliberately backed up, seeing this I used my feet to roll back. It came to a point I could not roll back as Guy #2 was behind me. Guy #1 kept reversing and crashed into my bike and damaged my fender. Afterward he drove off: a hit and run situation. After getting through the intersection of stop signs, I pulled over to inspect the damage done to my bike. Guy #2 drove on by. Aside from a piece broken off my fender my bike is ok. Eventually, I caught up to Guy #2 and he attempted to do a fake right to bait me into passing him. I am not sure what his intentions were.
At the very least I have to report this to the company HR.
I want my fender fixed and these guys need to be held to account.
What would you do?