I wanted to share the following close call experience from 2months ago, but didn't want to go through yet again the anticipated "you gota be doing something wrong, bro" convos.
Recently, I went from this:
to this >>
#1, #2, #4 - paying attention.
#3 and #5 are not.
#1 comes to full stop, so does #2 with plenty of space in between. I, on the bike, see that #3 is not paying attention and there is possibility of crash, so I start to leave space and watch the whole thing while downshifting, making a lot of noise and tapping brakes to get the attention of #5, which is far far away from me - no danger at this moment.
#3 realizes the full stop ahead. Hits the brakes, and swerves to unoccupied shoulder and stops right there and then, without a single **** about whats happening at the back.
Meanwhile at the back, I have all the time in the world to stop, signal, downshift... but I notice #5 is not paying attention and approaching fast.
Trying to find out how not to get rear-ended.
I had 2 escape plans. 1 to the left, 1 to the right.
Right lane is alive and going 100+km/h while we are approaching to 0. Not an option to switch lanes at this late moment. Didn't want to filter in between two lanes either because #2 or #1 may escape to right lane and that would be a whole new set of worse problems.
Left shoulder now fully blocked by #3. Not an option.
#5 is getting bigger and bigger in the mirror. Tires start scorching at my back, and headlights start to bounce around in my mirrors.
I made my way inches away from the bumper of #2 with a combination of throttle and brakes, and started praying as #5 came in.
#5 figures, either, if it were to rear end someone, it should be the car, or, gambled on the hope that #3 could cruise further into the unoccupied shoulder, creating a lot more room for ppl at behind to safely stop, so #5 was pointing towards #3, instead of me. So that was good the good news.
No collisions. Everyone from #2-5 inches away from one another at full stop.
Many things I wanted to tell to both #3 and #5.. Didn't say a word and took off as fast as I could.