VELD VIDEO :D Who went?

I'm grateful/happy with what I've got but I can only imagine how much wilder it used to be. From what I hear, even the 90s raver scene was miles better than what my generation gets!
It wasn't just the music that was wilder.... ;)
OP - I'd like the video a ton more if the footage was a little synced with music - IMO.

Didn't you get sick from carrying the cam around ?

So did any of you guys end up going to Labour of Love? Steve Angello did a 5 hour set!

I found that there was a bit too much trap on the fist night, but it was definitely worth it overall.

Trap... eww. You were in the wrong room :)

Koolhaus is where you wanna be. Steve Angello is not my style as he plays too fluffy and mainstream, but Sander Van Doorn on Day 1, was the BEST EDM NIGHT I'VE EVER BEEN.
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TomorrowWorld in Atlanta, GA - Sep 27, 28, 29 live:

hahaha its jersey shore fest!
OP - I'd like the video a ton more if the footage was a little synced with music - IMO.

Didn't you get sick from carrying the cam around ?

Koolhaus is where you wanna be. Steve Angello is not my style as he plays too fluffy and mainstream, but Sander Van Doorn on Day 1, was the BEST EDM NIGHT I'VE EVER BEEN.
I watched it again and it seems to be in sync. But the chick in front of me was rolling pretty hard, it sort of looks like she's offbeat.

The cam's just my cellphone! I actually only filmed a couple of things then realized that I would rather just enjoy it for what it is. I really regret missing Sander Van Doorn as he was pretty much the only DJ I cared to see on the Saturday. Maybe next time. Steve Angello's actually a very well-rounded DJ. He was dropping tech, progressive, and even went tribal at some point. Hardwell playing Spaceman was actually pretty crazy, too - I'm not gonna lie.
whatever happened to people that played guitars, and drums, and sang ?

Maybe i dont get it, But paying money to watch some dude hit "play" on a laptop isnt really going to a concert.. is it ?!?

seeing all that ****, actually made me respect Nickleback. lol
whatever happened to people that played guitars, and drums, and sang ?

Maybe i dont get it, But paying money to watch some dude hit "play" on a laptop isnt really going to a concert.. is it ?!?

seeing all that ****, actually made me respect Nickleback. lol

+1 djs play other peoples music for the most part. I just don't get it. I'd never pay just to go see some dude string a bunch of other peoples tunes together interspersed with a few beeps and farts. I like electronic music a lot but I'll pay attention to the people with the talent, the band.
I hear that argument all the time and my answer is that it's just another type of music. I still go to live shows for bands, singers, and artists that I like. I used to DJ and in my experience, the people that knock it the hardest have never done it before.

I'm not arguing that it's the hardest thing in the world to do, but it's a craft like any other instrument. You could argue that playing the trumpet or piano is harder than playing a snare drum , but it doesn't make going to see something like this any less worthwhile.[video=youtube;EuGKVEvqnb0][/video] (I'm using these instruments as examples because I've played them all)

We pay good money to people who are good at what they do. What their skill's worth might just vary from person to person. So at the end of the day, EDM is another genre and you can argue that producing a track electronically or being a dj takes less musicianship than playing an instrument, but you're already using a loaded term when you say that.
Wow! That snare drum solo was freaking amazing! He must have dedicated a hell of a lot of hours to practice. Imagine if his parents got him into racing motorcycles, he coulda been world champ! Lol
Seriously though, mad skills. Drumsticks were a blur.
I watched it again and it seems to be in sync. But the chick in front of me was rolling pretty hard, it sort of looks like she's offbeat.

The cam's just my cellphone! I actually only filmed a couple of things then realized that I would rather just enjoy it for what it is. I really regret missing Sander Van Doorn as he was pretty much the only DJ I cared to see on the Saturday. Maybe next time. Steve Angello's actually a very well-rounded DJ. He was dropping tech, progressive, and even went tribal at some point. Hardwell playing Spaceman was actually pretty crazy, too - I'm not gonna lie.

Dude, I was talking to the OP lol
Yours is just a (non-edited) video, so yea it's in sync lol
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