vehicles passing on the right in my own lane

I want to have one of those flip out blockers school buses use ( to prevent kids walking to close to the front of the bus. ) ... :D

I hate it when idjits encroach on my space.....had one pass me on the left but kept both her right wheels well into in my lane.....grrrrrr
If I'm going straight, I'll usually move over a little so cars can pass right to turn right. Depends - as long as it's not a tight squeeze, if so, I'll stay in a good block lane position.

I do this occasionally, except I've found drivers are usually quite hesitant to turn right even with lots of room open if it's a bike for some reason.
The "official" motorcycle handbook describes the situation:

"Making a right turn is more complicated when approaching an intersection where the lane opens up. Because the stop line is farther out, you must move over from your normal blocking position (left tire track) to prevent another vehicle from coming up on the inside on the wider part of the road. Check over your shoulder and move over to the right tire track. Again, you may want to angle your vehicle across the lane to make yourself more visible and to keep other vehicles from pulling up beside you. Make your right turn and then make another shoulder check if necessary and move back to the proper blocking position (left tire track)."

A car coming up on your left to continue straight is preferable to one coming up your right when your intent is to turn right as well. Most preferable is to make yourself big and obvious enough and not have people sneak up on either side of you.
Lesson learned. Stay out of Brampton and all areas near Brampton.


But ya, this has happened to me. People see a space and go for it. Not everyone knows how to treat bikes on the road. Frustrating but nbd.
Youre supposed to angle your bike towards the right turn so youre sitting at 45 degrees or so facing the turn, covering the whole lane.
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Angle. You need to angle your bike aiming towards the right turn, with no room to your right. This makes you wider, and prevents them from going inside you. At that intersection you want to be a little right of centre and on a 30 to 45 degree angle.
I intentionally give cars room and if I know they want to turn I motion for them to go ahead. If I'm in my car and there's space people do the same for me and I do the same for them (also in my car). Heck, lots of people will even hop the sidewalk a bit to make a right and as long as there's no pedestrians near the corner, what does it matter? I've never hit anyone or been hit by anyone on either my car or bike. Only common courtesy to let people by if you can, IMO.

I guess it's weird that you were trying to turn right and he got up beside you on the right. I would stay to the right if I'm turning right and then if he wants to go straight he can go ahead if I end up stuck waiting for pedestrians or something.

Bikers passing my in my own lane at speed bothers me much more.
I intentionally give cars room and if I know they want to turn I motion for them to go ahead. If I'm in my car and there's space people do the same for me and I do the same for them (also in my car). Heck, lots of people will even hop the sidewalk a bit to make a right and as long as there's no pedestrians near the corner, what does it matter? I've never hit anyone or been hit by anyone on either my car or bike. Only common courtesy to let people by if you can, IMO. I guess it's weird that you were trying to turn right and he got up beside you on the right. I would stay to the right if I'm turning right and then if he wants to go straight he can go ahead if I end up stuck waiting for pedestrians or something. Bikers passing my in my own lane at speed bothers me much more.
Bike was turning right. Car was turning right. Car pulled up to the right of the bike and then turned inside of bike. So you had two vehicles in the same lane turning into the same lane at the same time. Sure if someone is turning right and you're going straight or going straight and you're turning right, you let them through if there's room. This wasn't that case.
Bike was turning right. Car was turning right. Car pulled up to the right of the bike and then turned inside of bike. So you had two vehicles in the same lane turning into the same lane at the same time. Sure if someone is turning right and you're going straight or going straight and you're turning right, you let them through if there's room. This wasn't that case.
My apologies then. Somehow I misunderstood and thought car pulled up on right, bike turned right, then car did. If he turned at the same time, he's a dick. My bad. People turning at the same time as others is on a huge rise in this city.

I saw a biker do it the other day (made a right from the left turn lane at the same time as cars as he didn't want to wait in the line up), with a passenger, then lanesplit down Eglinton almost hitting cars. Passed a bunch of bicycle cops and they didn't seem to care.
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If I'm going straight ,I usually check my mirror if the vehicle behind me his/her indicator are blinking, base on that I make my move..bottom line I make the decision.

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Synchronized turning is not uncommon in traffic infested cities. Quite occasionally cars turn side by side in Manhattan however they are mostly doing it from wide one way streets onto other wide one way streets. I've seen 5 cars making a right at the same time.

Lanes are pretty spacious up in those truck routes!
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