Vaughan/Maple-Woodbridge nite rides

Sorry guys for not getting back,
I'm out of town this week and will be back Friday...any takers for this Friday nite weather permitting.
Can meet at 7eleven Rutherford/Weston or Rutherford east of Keele at 9:30ish...ride north from there.
east side of the parking lot people, sorry i made a mistake, not west side
EAST side :P
or just look for a black gsxr with gold rims
Sorry guys for not getting back,
I'm out of town this week and will be back Friday...any takers for this Friday nite weather permitting.
Can meet at 7eleven Rutherford/Weston or Rutherford east of Keele at 9:30ish...ride north from there.

Any takers for tonight or Saturday?
I sent a PM to Tiki to meet for 9pm at the 7/11 on Rutherford rd, east of keele next to to go station.

You In?

i apologize fellas - the trip from ottawa lasted much longer than expected. We didnt reach the home till after 9pm.
Hopefully during the week we can get together.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic FREAKING HOT and SWEATY weekend...LOL. Just got back from Peterboro, family I am ready to ride, so if anyone wants to set up a ride during the week I am in.
NP Tiki, hopefully we can meet up another time. Kawi-rex and I went for a quick boot, great meeting you Kawi.

I'm good with most nites after 9pm as long as I'm not away for work. I like meeting at 7/11 'caus I'm hooked on slurpees... especially on these hot nites!
OK, heading out.... I'm gonna see lots of you guys out riding alone as usual....if you want to meet up this week and meet new people, post a note on here and suggest a nite and time ur free and lets see if we can't make it a little more interesting for you later nite riders.
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