Valve Clearance Check

My older sister remembers playing mercury in high school.
I've never seen a sissy bar on a 500x. There is a first time for everything though. Dont crash on the way home. I can only imagine the environmental cleanup fee if you scatter mercury over a few thousand sq ft.

An old university professor had gallons of mercury in his shed. I tried to get some from him but was unsuccessful. All I have is the few oz in the carb board.
Pass it around the classroom in grade 7.
to be young and stupid.
Who is old enough to remember when they would drive a truck around the suburbs wafting out clouds of DDT to control the mosquitos... and how we would chase it, riding our bikes in that cloud of highly carcinogenic and poisonous stuff.
Pass it around the classroom in grade 7.
Yeah, I remember that in Kindergarten (Swansea Public School). First, we learned to make little ashtrays using asbestos paste, then we got to play at the mercury table.

By grade 7 we were playing with potassium. It was all good till we cracked a school toilet.
Oh, but watch out for gluten kids.
Mercury was considered an antiseptic back then. We put that **** on our cuts!

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Interesting. My parents have a partial container of BFI powder. Stings like a mother but more effective than any modern solution I have tried. Bismuth Formic Iodide and a bunch of other stuff in it. Has a DIN but you cant buy it anymore.

I remember "fire cracker day" when kids of all ages could play with explosives.
Honestly I have no real idea what we were celebrating. Was it Victoria Day?
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