Only about 5-10% of the population (out of the ~20% who are resisting vaccination) are the crazies. The other ~10% of the population still not vaccinated are just in the lazy/hesitant category and probably, deep down inside, quite a few of even that percentage would actually feel a bit better about going to a place that advertises a vaccinated staff.
Of the ~80% of adults who *are* vaccinated it's been shown that a pretty high percentage of that group typically feel good about being around others in the same boat, and less good about being around the unvaccinated.
Businesses need to come the conclusion that they can totally afford to tell the 5-10% category (which admittedly are the loudest, but still only a small percentage of the population) to get stuffed - they really don't need their business. And don't be afraid to put this sort of news out there - the 80% will gladly show up at your door to support you instead.