Useless oil filter wrench

I just change the oil fairly regular-like and the size of my filter is inconsequential.

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i call the usual bs

Easy to do when you haven't a clue...

PP is on point with his comments on filter design; only thing I would add is location of the bypass in low end filters, which is at the end of the element, which in theory would allow the oil to pick up large contaminates from the filter element on route to the bypass. Quality filters will have the bypass at the filter base.
A longer filter will have more physical filter area...period. We're talking the difference between a 2.5" vs 3.25", not putting a 6" long filter in place of a 2.5". Only need to add a touch more oil. A manufacturer only makes(has made for them with their branding) a handful of filters and won't bother listing every size that works....just the one they "make" will be listed for a particular model. Same for tires. How many use a tire not in the manual. Same for oil and almost all consumables. Will it make a difference either stock or aftermarket? For the most part, no. Longer filter is the same price as a stock size, so why not? Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever run the stock brand and model of tire on my bike that's in the manual. Even the front tire size is not what's in the manual.
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^ That's a slap in the face to all engineers. You obviously wouldn't do well at a custom bike show or race track.
Just when you think you're out they suck you back in. I use an oversize orange spin on Fram on the front of the Buell HD motor because a) it's in your face anti chrome b) it's shear size indicates I'm not to be trifled with and c) it holds more oil. But what a mess changing oil on that beast! That's on HD, I'm just the operator.

It should have been obvious why I wasn't getting the winks in Belfountain. A short Fram painted Confessional Black isn't likely cause any heart-throbbing when a Hazzard Orange tall boy has more lube to keep pistons pumping. Anyone who said the popularity contest ended with high school graduation would be shocked to hear the truth on GTAM.
It should have been obvious why I wasn't getting the winks in Belfountain. A short Fram painted Confessional Black isn't likely cause any heart-throbbing when a Hazzard Orange tall boy has more lube to keep pistons pumping. Anyone who said the popularity contest ended with high school graduation would be shocked to hear the truth on GTAM.

You need to try the chrome Harley Davidson filter.

Honestly I bought this and it works perfect. I have used the strap type and this is much easier.


Also great for anyone who owns a hot tub or pool and needs to undo, or do the slip union connections.
^ That's a slap in the face to all engineers. You obviously wouldn't do well at a custom bike show or race track.

Nope. The engineers design everything but within the confines/compromise of the accountants. Don't you race what is sponsored? For example, Pirelli isn't in the manual for recommended tires for my bike, but I've run them for over 12 years. How much of a race bike is stock?
^ That's a slap in the face to all engineers. You obviously wouldn't do well at a custom bike show or race track.

Nope. The engineers design everything but within the confines/compromise of the accountants. Don't you race what is sponsored? For example, Pirelli isn't in the manual for recommended tires for my bike, but I've run them for over 12 years. How much of a race bike is stock?

Exactly. Please accept my apologies @ fail @ sarcasm.
I was about to suggest a re-engineering of the sarcas-o-meter
I just spent the extra few $$$ on the K&N filters with hexnuts on the end. Saved massive headaches and was a lot cleaner that what I used to do which was ram a screwdriver through the filter body and twist it off. Mind you, I never had one stick with the last method.

I've had to do this too. Ever since, I decided it just wasn't worth it not to spend a little extra for the K&Ns. Life has been easy ever since.
An argument for OEM from another thread:
as an interesting note to everyone on oil filters - moto america racing in the states now has a rule that all bikes must use an "original equipment manufacturer" (OEM) oil filter - as some other off brand oil filters often have a problem with sealing properly and leaking. have also heard of problems with filters insides malfunctioning. so for anyone changing oil on their bikes (and cars) choose your oil filter wisely. DISCLAIMER: this info comes from the WERA forum.

I'm sticking to aftermarket

Also great for anyone who owns a hot tub or pool and needs to undo, or do the slip union connections.

Definitely this!!! I love mine.. I keep hearing stories of trouble people have. I have had Tony from Bluestreak whom I trust more than myself to work on a bike, that he has had to do the "screw driver trick" so many times, including on CBR600rr's that I just did 2 oil changes on for my neighbours. I was nervous at first but once I got my channel locks in there.... to be honest, you just squeeze so hard it punctures the oil filter and you're gold! It's like a multi-tool of crushing and turning capacity.
Originally Posted by yodude
i call the usual bs
Easy to do when you haven't a clue...

PP is on point with his comments on filter design; only thing I would add is location of the bypass in low end filters, which is at the end of the element, which in theory would allow the oil to pick up large contaminates from the filter element on route to the bypass. Quality filters will have the bypass at the filter base.


As someone who has personally had a failed aftermarket filter, I use oem only. As far as how much of a race bike is stock, a LOT of the internal engine parts including the oil pump and lubrication system (except maybe a bit of work on the crank) is stock. Playing with things that can cause a catastrophic failure is fun until you foot the $6000 bill for your motor.
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