used Ktm 50 adventure mini?

I actually just found out about it being injected yesterday, but on top of that I now understand when he said he put a cap full in with the gas along with the oil in the oil resorvior

I would suggest checking out, lots of information so you can find out what you've bought.
I would suggest checking out, lots of information so you can find out what you've bought.

Ya i have been on there... lots of good info and apparently what this guy was doing isnt uncommon, plus alot of guys are saying these bikes are pretty rock solid anyways.
I suspect the capful per tank is a little added insurance in case the oil injection happens to run a little lean at any point in time.
I suspect the capful per tank is a little added insurance in case the oil injection happens to run a little lean at any point in time.

makes perfect sense!
If your oil injection takes a crap a capful of oil isn't going to save the motor which is why a lot of people ditch the system and run premix.
If your oil injection takes a crap a capful of oil isn't going to save the motor which is why a lot of people ditch the system and run premix.

I disagree with your statement
Lol no problem, maybe one day I'll have a dirt bike and you can teach me a few things.

1oz of extra oil won't do jack to a full tank on anything more than your lawnmower.
Lol no problem, maybe one day I'll have a dirt bike and you can teach me a few things.

1oz of extra oil won't do jack to a full tank on anything more than your lawnmower.

Crazier things have happened jack!
If your oil injection takes a crap a capful of oil isn't going to save the motor which is why a lot of people ditch the system and run premix.

Oil injection is jetted...and often can get glommed up with crap. It may not take a crap as you put it, but it could run lean for a few seconds here or there, and having a little extra oil in the fuel wouldn't hurt anything but a little performance.
Oil injection is jetted...and often can get glommed up with crap. It may not take a crap as you put it, but it could run lean for a few seconds here or there, and having a little extra oil in the fuel wouldn't hurt anything but a little performance.

If the system failed (better?) the small amount of oil in the tank wouldn't do anything but maybe buy you an extra 3 seconds before the motor screeched to a halt. The convenience of oil injection on a dirt bike is not worth the risk when you can just run premix.
I wasn't talking about all out failure. Obviously if the pump stopped, it'd grenade the motor. However, often oil injected bikes experiences minor fluctuations in the mixture from blockages in the oil injection circuit that sometimes will lean out the oil ratio. My old RZ 350 did this a few times, and I went thu the system and replaced the oil jet orfice and associated tubing. It was full of globs of crap that were obviously impeding oil flow.
I was merely saying that a little oil in the fuel tank (way less than the appropiate full on mixture ratio) can often take care of the situation should your bike have an oil circuit lean moment.

Unless I was racing on a circuit, I would never remove the oil injection from a bike unless it failed. Even if it failed, a rebuild is cheap and easy.
On a street bike or snowmobile it can be an inconvenience having to mix your gas because your traveling and I agree removing the system then can create more of a hassle but on a dirt bike you can only get so far (roughly 2hrs maybe slightly more depending on terrain/bike/ability) before you need fuel. Your never too far from the truck to go back and get gas. In 16 years I still haven't found a gas station in the ganny (unless you ride to rice lake which takes you on asphalt and chews your tires up) so I park at different lots depending on what part of the forest I want to ride that day.

Rebuilds can be cheap if you can split your own cases and rebuild your crank, if not it gets expensive especially if you damage the nikasil (sp?) in the cylinder. On a 125 your $750 for the rebuild with a new crank plus top end ($150) and $300 to re coat the cylinder. That sucked and ruined a full week at mx camp for me.
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