USB on bike

@Lightcycle I was thinking along the same lines. And maybe I'm just over cautious, but I always start my bike in N and I still always pull in the clutch. Come to think of it, probably because it is carbed, so I warm up the bike therefore I'm never actually on the bike when I start it. (Insert lightbulb emoji here) (and why tf don't they have a lightbulb emoji?!?!)

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Well I am extremely embarrassed to admit I solved the it turns out, I always park my bike in Neutral...(habit from the course I took) so I never thought to check that the damn bike was in neutral....previous post sent a light bulb off in my head so I ran downstairs and of course the bike was not in neutral...changed gear and it started right up......feel like an idiot, but proud my usb install was
The smallest things get you sometimes. Good on you for sticking to it and figuring it out. Feels good, doesn't it?

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